Archive for: Paving


Insights Into Reliable and Resilient Surfaces

Strong foundations are required for all industrial spaces. The use of industrial paving, which is an essential component of this, guarantees that surfaces are able to withstand enormous loads, adverse weather, and daily operations. In this article, we discuss industrial paving and offer some ideas for making surfaces that are reliable and resistant in the face of tough circumstances.

The Significance of Paving in Industrial Settings

Industrial paving is not about how it looks; rather, it is about how well it functions and how long it will last. This is why it is significant:

  • Integrity of Structure: It is necessary for industrial surfaces to be able to support heavy gear in order to both guarantee safety and prevent damage. Paving that is done correctly distributes weight uniformly, which reduces the amount of wear and tear that occurs.
  • Safety and Accessibility: Paved surfaces that are in good condition lower the likelihood of accidents and injuries occurring in industrial environments. Paving makes the flow of traffic more orderly and efficient for both vehicles and pedestrians.
  • Longevity and Maintenance: High-quality paving materials and methods enhance the lifespan of the surface, which in turn reduces the frequency of repairs that are required and keeps operational disruptions to a minimum.

Choosing the Appropriate Asphaltic Concrete Paving Materials

The foundation of dependable and long-lasting industrial paving is the careful selection of appropriate materials:

A bit of both

Cost-effective: able to cover enormous areas while producing a surface that is long-lasting.
Flexibility: Able to endure changes in temperature without becoming brittle; suitable for use in a variety of environments.
To be specific:

Resistance to wear and tear: Designed to withstand the wear and tear of heavy machinery and foot traffic. Concrete surfaces can be extremely long-lasting if they are properly cared for and maintained.

Blocks of Paving:

  • Interlocking Nature: Excellent load-bearing capabilities due to the interlocking nature of the design. Interlocking Design.
  • Aesthetics: Provide design versatility, enabling the creation of patterns that are aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

The Importance of Getting Things Installed Correctly

Even the highest quality of materials can’t guarantee reliable outcomes without careful installation:

Expertise in One’s Profession:

Contractors With Experience It is important to hire contractors who have a track record of completing industrial paving jobs successfully.

Preparation of the Site: It is essential to perform adequate site preparation, which includes grading and compaction.

Perform Required Upkeep and Repairs:

  • Ongoing Quality Control: Establish a schedule for routine inspections to help identify and fix problems as soon as possible.
  • In-Time Maintenance: Repair any cracks, holes, or other damage as away in order to stop the progression of the degradation.

Environmental Responsibility in Commercial Paving

The concept of sustainability is becoming an increasingly important focus in the manufacturing industry. Think about environmentally responsible choices:

Pavements that are Permeable:

Water Management: By letting water to move through, you can help with water management and reduce runoff at the same time.

Materials Obtained from Recycling:

Asphalt that has been recycled can cut down on the need for new supplies and help conserve resources. Concrete may be recycled and reused as a base material, which helps cut down on the amount of waste produced. Investing in Industrial Paving Industrial paving is an investment in the facility’s long-term success and should be planned for.

Think about implementing some of these forward-thinking strategies:

Preparedness for Expansion:

  • Design Adaptability: Leave space for more paving so that you may plan for any future expansions.
  • Projections of Traffic It is important to plan for an increase in traffic and alter the paving accordingly.

The Integration of Technology:

Smart Pavements: Investigate potential technological solutions, such as embedded sensors, for real-time monitoring and upkeep of the pavement.
Lighting That Is Efficient With Energy It is important to implement lighting solutions that are efficient with energy for both safety and environmental reasons.

The final word

Paving designed specifically for industrial use is the rock upon which dependable and durable surfaces in industrial environments are built. You may design surfaces that not only fulfill the demands of the present, but also pave the way for a more effective and environmentally friendly future, provided that the appropriate materials are chosen, the installation process is carried out correctly, and you embrace sustainability.

Increasing the usefulness of the building, protecting the operations of the business, and assuring the safety of the workforce are all reasons to invest in industrial paving. When it comes to the world of industrial paving, you can lay a strong foundation that withstands the test of time if you take the appropriate approach.

Key Tasks to Ensure Roadway Safety

Maintaining safe and well-functioning roads is essential for the safety and convenience of travelers. Whether it’s a local street or a major highway, regular road maintenance is crucial to prevent accidents, reduce wear and tear, and provide a smooth driving experience. In this blog post, we’ll present a road maintenance checklist that outlines key tasks to ensure roadway safety.

Regular Inspections

Frequent inspections play a pivotal role in identifying potential issues and addressing them before they escalate. Inspect roads on a regular basis for the following:

  • Potholes: Identify and repair potholes promptly to prevent accidents and vehicle damage.
  • Cracks and Surface Deterioration: Monitor for cracks and signs of deterioration on the road surface. Early intervention can prevent further damage.
  • Drainage Issues: Ensure that drainage systems are functioning properly to prevent water accumulation and erosion.
  • Signage and Markings: Check the visibility and condition of road signs, lane markings, and pavement markings.

Pavement Maintenance

The quality of the road’s pavement significantly impacts driving comfort and safety. Perform the following pavement maintenance tasks:


Sustaining a well-maintained road network involves the routine resurfacing of roads. This practice not only guarantees a smooth driving experience but also enhances skid resistance, crucial for road safety. By regularly resurfacing, the overall quality and integrity of the road are preserved, ensuring a comfortable and secure journey for all.

Crack Sealing:

An imperative facet of road upkeep is the diligent sealing of cracks. This preventive measure acts as a barrier against water infiltration, a major culprit behind pavement deterioration. By proactively sealing cracks, the lifespan of the pavement is extended, minimizing the need for extensive repairs and safeguarding against the adverse effects of moisture-induced damage.

Pavement Markings: 

To maintain an organized and safe traffic flow, clear and visible pavement markings are indispensable. These markings serve as visual cues for drivers, indicating lane divisions, traffic control, and vital information. Regular upkeep of pavement markings ensures that road users are well-informed and guided, contributing to smoother traffic management and overall road safety.

Roadside Vegetation Management

Effective management of roadside vegetation is paramount to ensuring clear visibility and minimizing safety hazards. This involves consistent trimming and clearing of trees, bushes, and grass to preserve unobstructed sightlines for drivers. Additionally, proactive weed control along road edges and medians not only upholds a tidy aesthetic but also prevents potential damage while maintaining a safe and organized road environment.

Signage and Traffic Control

Maintaining clear and effective signage plays a crucial role in guiding drivers and upholding road safety standards. This involves addressing several key aspects:

Visibility: It’s imperative to guarantee that road signs remain visible in all lighting conditions, whether it’s the brightness of day or the darkness of night. Adequate visibility of signs is essential to ensure drivers can quickly comprehend and respond to important information.

Reflectivity: Utilizing reflective materials on road signs is paramount, particularly when visibility is compromised by low-light situations. Reflective surfaces significantly enhance the visibility of signs, making them stand out and effectively conveying essential information to drivers even in challenging lighting environments.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance of road signs is essential to prevent confusion and misinformation. Damaged or faded signs should be promptly inspected and replaced to ensure that drivers receive accurate guidance. A well-maintained sign system contributes to a safer and more organized road network, minimizing the potential for accidents and ensuring smoother traffic flow.

Repairing Infrastructure

Functional infrastructure supports road safety and convenience:

  • Guardrails: Regularly inspect and repair guardrails to prevent vehicles from leaving the road in hazardous areas.
  • Lighting: Ensure streetlights and road lighting are operational for safe night driving.
  • Traffic Signals: Regularly check and maintain traffic signals to prevent accidents at intersections.

Seasonal Maintenance

Different seasons bring varying challenges to road maintenance. Tailor your efforts accordingly:

  • Winter: Address snow and ice accumulation promptly, using salt or sand to enhance traction and prevent accidents.
  • Rainy Seasons: Ensure proper drainage systems are in place to prevent water accumulation and flooding.

Collaborate with Professionals

Working with road maintenance professionals ensures comprehensive care:

  • Engineering Experts: Consult engineers to assess road conditions and recommend maintenance strategies.
  • Experienced Contractors: Collaborate with reputable contractors for specialized tasks like pavement resurfacing.


A well-maintained road system is the backbone of safe and efficient transportation. By following this road maintenance checklist and regularly addressing issues, you contribute to a safer environment for drivers and pedestrians alike. Prioritizing road maintenance not only enhances safety but also prolongs the life of the infrastructure, ensuring that the roads remain reliable for years to come.

Paving 101: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Paving Process


Paving is important in our daily lives because it allows us to have access to long-lasting roads, driveways, and paths, which enhances transportation efficiency and accessibility. Anyone interested in learning more about the complex world of paving can use this page as a tutorial guide to learn about the various stages that are involved in the process. This post is recommended reading for anyone who is interested in learning more about the subject at hand.

Acquiring Knowledge about the Paving Process

Paving comprises more than just putting down a surface; rather, it is a set of operations that need to be painstakingly coordinated in order to assure the longevity and functionality of the surface being paved. Paving entails more than just laying down a surface. The first step in the process is called site preparation, and it involves removing any debris that may be in the way, grading the land to ensure adequate drainage, and analyzing the soil conditions. The base of the pavement is composed of a solid base, which is often constructed using materials such as crushed stone or gravel. The solid base serves as the foundation for the pavement. The chosen material, which could be asphalt or concrete, is then put on top of the base in order to provide a surface that is uniform. A sturdy construction that is able to endure the pressures of day-to-day use is ensured by using heavy machinery to perform compaction and leveling. The characteristic appearance of the pavement is due in large part to the finishing touches, which include processes such as troweling for concrete and rolling for asphalt. Curing and settling are extremely important steps, as they enable the pavement to become more solid and stable before it is open to regular traffic.

Different kinds of paving

Paving can be done using a broad number of methods and materials, each of which is designed to meet a particular set of needs. Paving can be done using anything from bricks and mortar to concrete and asphalt. Paving with asphalt is common because it has a smooth surface and is long-lasting; hence, it is an excellent material for roads, driveways, and parking lots. Concrete, which is well-known for its rigidity and strength, is generally used for the building of patios, sidewalks, and larger surfaces like streets and highways. Concrete’s reputation for these qualities makes it an ideal material for these applications. Interlocking pavers offer a variety of design options and are versatile, making them a good choice for people who value aesthetic appeal. These pavers, which are often made of concrete or other materials, are set in intricate patterns to provide walkways, highways, and decorative designs that are aesthetically pleasing. Decorative designs can also be made using pavers.

The Value of Using a Professional Paving Company

Even if it is beneficial to have a fundamental grasp of paving, in order to complete a paving project successfully, one needs to have expertise as well as specialized equipment. To guarantee that the procedure will be carried out correctly from the very beginning to the very end, it is essential to work closely with experienced paving contractors. The know-how of professional paving crews is put to use in each and every stage of the process, beginning with the meticulous and exhaustive preparation of the site and progressing all the way through the application of the materials with precision and care. This competency not only ensures a solution that will last for a long time and appear nice, but it also decreases the amount of time that is spent and the probable costs that are associated with errors.

Paving Excellence Unveiled

  • Paving’s Vital Role: Paving creates robust roads, driveways, and walkways that ensure smooth transportation and accessibility in our daily lives. 
  • Step-by-Step Durability: The paving process involves meticulous site preparation, stable base installation, material application, compaction, leveling, and finishing touches for a lasting surface. 
  • Diverse Paving Methods: Asphalt paving is known for its smooth finish and durability, concrete for strength and rigidity, and interlocking pavers for versatile and visually appealing designs. 
  • Expertise Matters: While understanding the basics is valuable, professional paving contractors bring specialized equipment and experience to ensure accurate execution and long-lasting results. 
  • Appreciating Craftsmanship: Grasping the paving process fosters an appreciation for the craftsmanship and innovation that contribute to functional and visually pleasing paved areas.


Paving is a cornerstone of modern infrastructure, providing us with essential surfaces for our daily activities. By grasping the fundamental steps involved in the paving process, we gain a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship and innovation that contribute to functional and aesthetically pleasing paved areas. Whether it’s the road you drive on, the driveway you park in, or the walkway you stroll along, proper paving showcases the synergy of human ingenuity and engineering prowess.

The Importance of Timely Asphalt Repairs: Preventing Costly Damage


Asphalt surfaces, including roads, parking lots, and driveways, endure continuous deterioration caused by the relentless forces of heavy traffic, weather elements, and the passage of time. Overlooking or delaying necessary asphalt repairs can lead to more significant damage, safety hazards, and costly repairs down the line. In this blog, we will highlight the importance of timely asphalt repairs and how they can prevent costly damage in the long run.

Preventing Further Damage

Addressing asphalt damage promptly is crucial to prevent it from worsening. Here’s why timely repairs are important:

Water Damage: Cracks and potholes in asphalt allow water to seep into the pavement layers. This water can cause further deterioration, weakening the structure and leading to more extensive damage over time.

Base Damage: When cracks are left unrepaired, the base layers of the pavement can be compromised. This can result in sinking, shifting, or uneven surfaces, making it unsafe for vehicles and pedestrians.

Safety Hazards: Damaged asphalt surfaces pose safety risks, especially for pedestrians and vehicles. The presence of cracks, potholes, and uneven surfaces significantly raises the risk of accidents, falls, and vehicle damage. Timely repairs ensure a safer environment for everyone accessing the area.

Cost-Effectiveness of Timely Repairs

Although the notion of delaying repairs may appear financially beneficial in the immediate term, it can ultimately result in higher expenses down the line. Here’s why timely repairs are cost-effective:

Preventing Costly Reconstruction: Addressing small cracks and potholes early can prevent them from spreading and causing more extensive damage. This avoids the need for complete reconstruction, which is significantly more expensive than targeted repairs.

Lower Maintenance Costs: Regular maintenance and timely repairs help preserve the integrity of the asphalt surface. By addressing minor issues early, you can avoid the need for extensive repairs or complete resurfacing, which can be costly.

Reduced Liability: Neglecting asphalt repairs can lead to accidents and injuries on your property, potentially resulting in legal liabilities. Timely repairs demonstrate your commitment to safety and can help minimize the risk of lawsuits and associated costs.

Common Asphalt Issues Requiring Timely Repairs

To ensure timely repairs, it’s essential to identify common asphalt issues that may require attention. Keep an eye out for the following signs:

Cracks: Small cracks can expand and deepen over time due to traffic, weather changes, and aging. Regularly inspect your asphalt surfaces for cracks and address them promptly.

Potholes: Potholes occur when cracks are left unrepaired, and water and debris accumulate in the pavement layers. It is crucial to address these issues promptly to prevent accidents and additional damage.

Raveling: Raveling refers to the deterioration of the asphalt surface, resulting in loose aggregate and a rough texture. This issue requires timely repairs to prevent further degradation and to maintain a smooth and functional surface.

Hiring Professional Asphalt Repair Services

While minor repairs can be done in-house, it’s often beneficial to hire professional asphalt repair services. Here’s why:

Expertise and Experience: Professional contractors have the necessary knowledge, experience, and equipment to handle various asphalt repair tasks efficiently and effectively.

Efficiency and Timeliness: Professional asphalt repair services can complete the repairs quickly, minimizing disruptions to your business operations or daily routines.

Long-Lasting Results: Professionals ensure quality repairs that are built to last. They have access to high-quality materials and employ industry-standard techniques, resulting in durable repairs.


Timely asphalt repairs are vital for preventing costly damage, ensuring safety, and saving money in the long run. By addressing asphalt issues promptly, you can prevent further deterioration, preserve the integrity of the pavement, and avoid the need for extensive and expensive repairs. Regular inspections, prompt repairs, and collaborating with professional asphalt repair services are essential steps in maintaining functional, safe, and cost-effective asphalt surfaces. Prioritize the timely repair of asphalt and enjoy the long-lasting benefits it brings to your property.

How Paving Revolutionizes Agricultural Operations


In the agricultural industry, innovation and efficiency are key drivers of success. One significant development that has revolutionized agricultural operations is the use of paving. By providing durable, reliable, and accessible surfaces, paving has transformed the way farmers, ranchers, and agricultural businesses operate. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which paving has revolutionized agricultural operations, from enhancing productivity to improving sustainability.

Key Takeaways

Enhanced Accessibility and Mobility

  • Paving provides all-weather access to fields, barns, and storage areas.
  • Improved mobility allows for efficient movement of heavy machinery, vehicles, and livestock. 

Increased Efficiency in Operations

  • Paved surfaces facilitate faster and smoother transportation of crops, livestock, and equipment.
  • Streamlined operations reduce time and labor costs, improving overall efficiency.

Soil Erosion Control

  • Paving helps prevent soil erosion, protecting valuable topsoil and reducing sediment runoff.
  • Stable surfaces minimize the impact of heavy rains and irrigation on agricultural land.

Better Water Management

  • Paved surfaces aid in efficient water management, preventing waterlogging and improving drainage.
  • Proper water control enhances crop growth, reduces disease risk, and optimizes irrigation practices.

Improved Livestock Health and Comfort

  • Paved barnyards and walkways provide clean and comfortable surfaces for livestock.
  • Reduced mud and standing water minimize the risk of hoof diseases and injuries.

Enhanced Biosecurity Measures

  • Paved surfaces facilitate better biosecurity protocols, preventing the spread of diseases.
  • Controlled access and easier cleaning reduce the risk of contamination and infection.

The Impact of Paving on Agricultural Operations

Enhanced Accessibility and Mobility

Paving offers year-round access to agricultural areas, regardless of weather conditions. Farmers can access their fields, barns, and storage areas even during wet seasons or inclement weather. This improved accessibility allows for timely operations, such as planting, harvesting, and equipment maintenance. Moreover, paved surfaces enable efficient movement of heavy machinery, vehicles, and livestock, reducing the risk of equipment damage and optimizing farm logistics.

Increased Efficiency in Operations

With paved surfaces, agricultural operations become more streamlined and efficient. The smooth and reliable surfaces facilitate faster transportation of crops, livestock, and equipment within the farm. This reduces transportation time, minimizes delays, and enhances overall productivity. Farmers can quickly move harvested crops to storage areas or market, ensuring freshness and preserving quality. Additionally, streamlined operations save time and labor costs, allowing farmers to focus on other critical tasks.

Soil Erosion Control

Soil erosion is a significant concern in agriculture, as it depletes valuable topsoil and impacts crop productivity. Paving plays a vital role in controlling soil erosion by providing stable surfaces that resist erosion caused by wind and water. Paved driveways, roads, and access paths prevent soil displacement and sediment runoff into nearby water bodies. By preserving topsoil, farmers can maintain soil fertility, reduce the need for soil remediation, and improve long-term land productivity.

Better Water Management

Proper water management is crucial for agricultural operations. Paving aids in efficient water management by preventing waterlogging and improving drainage. Well-designed paved surfaces promote proper runoff, preventing water accumulation in fields and barnyards. This helps maintain optimal soil moisture levels, prevents water stress or oversaturation for crops, and reduces the risk of disease outbreaks. Additionally, improved water management optimizes irrigation practices, conserves water resources, and enhances overall water-use efficiency.

Improved Livestock Health and Comfort

Livestock health and comfort are essential for optimal productivity. Paved barnyards and walkways provide clean, dry, and comfortable surfaces for livestock. By reducing mud and standing water, paved surfaces minimize the risk of hoof diseases, such as foot rot or hoof abscesses. Livestock can move freely and safely, minimizing injuries and stress. Moreover, clean and comfortable surfaces promote better hygiene and cleanliness, improving overall animal health and welfare.

Enhanced Biosecurity Measures

Biosecurity is critical in agriculture to prevent the spread of diseases and maintain the health of livestock and crops. Paved surfaces facilitate better biosecurity protocols by controlling access and minimizing disease transmission. Controlled entry points and properly designed pathways allow for effective monitoring and restricted movement. Furthermore, paved surfaces are easier to clean and disinfect, reducing the risk of contamination and infection. These measures help protect agricultural operations from disease outbreaks and minimize economic losses.


Paving has revolutionized agricultural operations by providing enhanced accessibility, increased efficiency, soil erosion control, better water management, improved livestock health and comfort, and enhanced biosecurity measures. By investing in paving, farmers and agricultural businesses can optimize their operations, improve productivity, and promote sustainability. The long-term benefits of paving extend beyond convenience and cost-effectiveness, contributing to the overall success and viability of the agricultural industry.

How To Avoid Asphalt Paving Scams?

More and more asphalt contractors will be knocking on doors in search of work now that summer has arrived. However, you must understand how to distinguish reputable paving providers from fraudsters. If there are cracks and potholes in the driveway, or If it’s beginning to deteriorate, scammers are more likely to target your home.

In such situations, it becomes paramount to stay alert and well aware of the red flags to help protect yourself from being conned. Read on to find out the warning signs of scammers and how to avoid them.

1. The Contractor Arrives at Your Door

The contractor showing up at your door is the most clear warning that you are going to be conned. The majority of reputable contractors will not engage in door-to-door sales. This is because commercial asphalt paving firms with a good reputation don’t just show up and start working as they are overly preoccupied with attending to consumer needs. Thus, if any contractor knocks on your door and offers paving services should be dealt with great caution.

2. Legitimate Businesses Openly Offer Credibility

Know that many paving businesses are fairly proud of the work they accomplish and thus confidently display their logo on their staff, vehicles, and other items. Be wary of advertisements that do not clearly show the company name and nearby contact details.

Do not be hesitant to get in touch with the Better Business Bureau and request a list of complaints made against the business. A current certificate of insurance proving liability and workers’ compensation insurance should also be requested to prove credibility. Any trustworthy contractor will be pleased to follow through.

3. They insist on having extra asphalt from a prior project.

Due to the nature of their work, paver contractors are excellent at determining how much material they will need to finish a project. Hence, they are usually not left with much extra. Even if they did, it wouldn’t be hot enough to utilise effectively hours later. This is essential because, depending on temperatures, a very small window of time must pass between the hot asphalt arriving at a spot, being laid, and compacted.

Contrary to popular belief, asphalt does not cure or dry like concrete. A process called compaction is used to lay down and complete asphalt. If it is not compacted at the ideal temperature, the necessary densities will not be reached, and it will instead become a loose aggregate that will fall apart and degrade. This is why no professional paving business would have a sizable amount of asphalt left over or be able to use it after arriving from another work. Anyone claiming to have it is without a doubt a scammer!

4. Have Everything Documented

Get a written contract that details the duties of both the homeowner and the contractor before agreeing to any services to be provided. Additionally, beware of the type of product being applied to your pavement. Make sure you request printed information from the contractor on the several types of professional-grade sealers they use on jobs. Ideally, the maker should provide this information if he is credible and genuine.

When these kinds of businesses knock on their door, a customer who is well-informed and aware will be able to make an intelligent selection. Hence, if you come across someone who you think is trying to scam you bluntly say “no,” shut the door, and call the sheriff or police department in your area right away. Because, if you don’t, you’ll not only be paying for a completely useless service, but you’ll also be paying again to get it fixed.

5. Large Discounts

People who arrive at your home offering significant discounts should be avoided at any cost. When it comes to asphalt paving, quality is an indicator of price. Because they claim to be using leftover materials from previous jobs, con artists frequently offer low costs.

But, remember that what these fraudsters are proposing has nothing to do with recycling asphalt. They only fully restore your work using remnants from a prior project and make a vow to return the following day after running out of asphalt only to vanish.

The sign of a professional business is that while using recycled asphalt for any project they constantly make sure that it is in sufficient quantity. So, before deciding to get your driveway repaired, spend some time investigating different asphalt providers, reading reviews, and checking for ratings.

6. Licence Plates from Other States

A trustworthy asphalt contractor will have invested years in developing a base of devoted clients. But, when it comes to fraudsters, they hop from town to town to avoid being caught. Thus, if the door-to-door salesperson or asphalt contractor has out-of-state licence plates, it is a warning sign which indicates that they don’t intend to stay in the area for very long after receiving your money.

Even if a business representative provides you with a local phone number, there is no assurance that they are in fact from your neighbourhood. It is not uncommon for scammers to simply provide you with a local number for a throwaway phone. Therefore, make it a habit to always check the licence plates of your salesman or asphalt contractor frequently

7. Cash Payments Up Front

When a door-to-door salesperson demands payment on the spot, it explicitly indicates danger. They often present the substantial discount they’re providing as a one-time opportunity, but in reality, it’s just another way of conning you.

Cash, cheques, and credit cards are all accepted by reputable paving businesses. However, a con artist won’t be willing to accept check payments since they know you’ll make sure it’s cancelled after you figure out their scheme.


In the end, it all boils down to being cautious, doing your research, and having faith in your instincts. There are many trustworthy companies out there who can pave a driveway that will last for decades, but regrettably, there are some that will take your money and go, leaving you with a driveway that will crumble within a few months or years. Therefore, stay cautious and keep these red flags in mind for maximum protection against such fraudsters.

Prime Asphalt is the only solution to your worries. Family-Owned & Operated Asphalt Paving Contractors Delivering Stunning & Durable Surfaces, Prime Asphalt is a hardcore professional business that helps get your pavement back in shape with seal coating, tar & chip sealing, concrete paving & more! With Prime Asphalt, you’re in safe hands!

Tips to Avoid Mistakes in Asphalt Paving Projects

Asphalt paving projects are a hit or miss. If your driveway is paved with high-quality asphalt, your home appears to be significantly better and enhances your home’s curb appeal. However, if you or your contractor fail to install it correctly, you will run into issues later. Since Asphalt paving projects are complex, there are high chances of mistakes being made. People who are unaware of its technicalities often make major blunders that result in a damaged driveway.

Hence, we bring you some helpful tips to avoid making typical paving mistakes.

Tip# 1 Do Project Planning

It is of critical importance that you plan for your asphalt project. This entails having precise measurements and comprehension of how asphalt functions because if you don’t you run the risk of ruining your driveway. Know what you’re getting into as asphalt is the most durable material to work with.

Careful planning includes being aware of the installation and preservation of asphalt paving as well as ensuring that all appropriate tools and equipment are in place. Many people often make the mistake of not doing proper planning before they embark on the paving journey which results in disasters.

Therefore, always spend a sufficient amount of time on the task and don’t try to rush through. Moreover, the weather conditions need to be perfect so you should consider that too when planning. And, if you’re not a pro at installing asphalt, you might want to contact a professional asphalt contractor.

Tip# 2 Choose the Right Quality Materials

There are many different kinds of asphalt paving materials available varying in quality, even though you might not be aware of them. While we all want to save money wherever possible, you might not want to buy cheaper materials to cut costs.

This is because when low-grade quality asphalt is used, the results are frequently subpar and lower than usual. Instead, you should buy asphalt of high quality to make sure your surface is smooth and free of flaws. The asphalt of higher quality is more resistant to wear and tear and harsh weather conditions.

Tip# 3 Do not Rush the Process

Avoid working on the project in haste. Remember asphalt paving is not a race. There will be issues later on if you apply the asphalt too quickly. The depth and thickness of the asphalt are crucial. You might crack or your drive might not heal quickly enough.

It’s best to take your time with it because if you don’t there is a possibility that you will not be able to adhere to the correct procedure. You likewise need to install the asphalt at a similar speed the whole time.

If the speed keeps fluctuating in different areas it shall affect the uniformity of the paving. Hence, make sure speed limiters are used by any asphalt contractor you choose to guarantee a clean and consistent application of your asphalt.

Tip #4 Select the Right Contractor

You need to choose a profoundly qualified and trustworthy asphalt contractor. There are numerous asphalt companies to choose from, but not all of them are the same. Because details matter, especially when it comes to paving, you would want one that has good experience.

The contractor you choose should be able to strategize well for the project, have the right materials, and consider the climate. While you don’t have to go with the most expensive contractor, you don’t want to go with the cheapest either. It’s important to stick to your budget, but don’t just base your decision on price.

Additionally, you should look for a contractor who is proficient in the use of high-quality equipment. When you plan your asphalt paving project, keep these suggestions in mind. When you’re done, you’ll have smooth, high-quality asphalt.

Tip #5 Remember the Grade of the Drive

Whether you are dealing with a driveway or something different, grading is practically significant. The grading of your entire paving project is probably the most crucial component. It is a procedure used to guarantee an even foundation while building your driveway and is usually done when building a road, your home’s lawn or other property.

The whole site needs to be levelled, properly pitched to allow for water runoff, cut or filled, and graded in order to prepare for installing an asphalt driveway or parking lot.If the driveway’s slope is not laid properly, chances are water could accumulate eventually destroying the asphalt. And, if your asphalt drive does not have the right drainage, it is doomed for good.

Tip#6 Manage the Material Head

For proper asphalt installation, the material head must be precisely controlled. The head of the material is the mass of paving material in front of the screed that reaches the entire width of it. In simple words, it’s the paving mix in the pavers hopper which can also be referred to material exiting a material transfer truck. 95 to 98% of all mat faults are the result of paving using the wrong head of material.

Because, It is incredibly challenging to create a smooth surface when the amount of mix in the head of the material varies significantly during paving it becomes essential to manage the material head. A higher head of material results in a thicker mat and can produce wavy surfaces, whereas a lower head of material results in a thinner mat and can cause asphalt breakdown.

Hence, the ideal choice is to use a material transfer truck to help maintain a constant head of material. Compared to trucks, material transfer vehicles can maintain a constant flow while avoiding pavers and driving forward continuously. Asphalt behind the screed will be more consistent if the head of material is travelling through the machine uniformly and with little variation. These measures restrict paver speed variations, temperature problems, and segregation.

Tip#7 Use Asphalt Sealant Appropriately

In order to keep ice and water from entering and affecting the quality of your driveway or parking lot and causing cracks, never forget to sealcoat the Asphalt. Because asphalt deteriorates with time due to rain, oil, and other pollutants, leaving a brittle surface that is dangerous and ugly, sealcoating becomes a must especially if you’re paving yourself. So, always make sure to use the correct sealant in the right quantity if you want your driveways to have a long life.

Moreover, when it comes to sealing a driveway, timing is crucial because doing it too soon after the asphalt has been installed or right before it rains can result in an early replacement of the pavement. Therefore, homeowners should prepare ahead of time and make sure it will be sunny for the three days after the application, whether they are sealing a freshly laid driveway for the first time or reapplying the sealant.


All in all, the bottom line is it takes a lot of skill, training, and experience to install and maintain asphalt pavement. Hiring a professional is the only way to get effective results. The aforementioned suggestions can help homeowners who insist on doing their installations and maintenance in avoiding some of the most serious errors, but no amount of tips and techniques can compensate for a lack of knowledge.

Prime Asphalt is the professional you need when it comes to asphalt paving. Contact them to bring that life back into your residential or commercial property with practical paving techniques and premium-quality machinery.

Why Asphalt Paving Surfaces Are Not Smooth?

We can all tell the difference between an uneven asphalt surface and a smooth one.

Asphalt texture can tell you a lot about the condition of the surface.

If you can feel a rough texture when you run your hands over the asphalt, it indicates that the surface is not smooth. If you can see cracks or potholes, this is also an indication that the asphalt surface is not smooth.

Another possible indication that your asphalt is not in perfect condition is when the surface is patchy or rough in different areas.

Whether you opted in for a professional asphalt service or you went for a DIY method, all of these signs are a clear indication that your asphalt surface is in need of a redo.

Why Is Having a Smooth Asphalt Surface Necessary?

Having a smooth asphalt surface is necessary to ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians. It provides a stable, even surface to drive or walk on, making it easier for drivers to see and maneuver around obstacles. Smooth asphalt also reduces the risk of damage to vehicles, as it creates a smoother ride and helps protect tires from premature wear and tear.

As for why asphalt’s surface becomes uneven and smooth? It’s probably because of high and low temperature environments. You might start seeing cracks appearing on the pavements and potholes which lead to complete asphalt deterioration. You might also observe dips and potholes in your asphalt which is another common indication. Such signs will tell you when it’s about time to hire a professional

But what causes the asphalt surface to become rugged and less-than-smooth?

Let’s find out.

The Asphalt Surface Does Not Bind The Aggregates Completely

Not enough asphalt leads to the deterioration of the asphalt surface due to the lack of adhesive binding. Without an adequate amount of asphalt, the aggregates and other components of the asphalt are not held together strongly enough. Over time, this can lead to cracking, potholing, and other types of damage to the asphalt surface.

To avoid this situation, a tack coat may be necessary. A tack coat is a thin layer of asphalt emulsion applied between two layers of asphalt to ensure a strong bond. The tack coat also helps to prevent water and debris from entering the asphalt layers and causing damage. In addition, a tack coat helps to fill in small voids between the two layers of asphalt, making them smoother and more durable.

The Asphalt Surface May Not Have Enough Compaction

Compaction is an essential part of paving an asphalt surface. If the asphalt surface does not have enough compaction, it will not be as smooth as it should be. Compaction ensures that any loose materials are packed down and any air pockets are filled in, which will create a better bond between the asphalt and the ground beneath it. If the asphalt is not adequately compacted, it will be more prone to cracking and other damage from weather and wear and tear. Besides, if there is any water that enters the pavement it will be more likely to cause damage, which will lead to further deterioration of the asphalt surface.

If you’re seeing cracks and potholes appearing on the asphalt and you’re planning to hire a trained professional, you may want to hire someone who can provide your asphalt surface with proper compaction. At Prime Asphalt, we care about all of your asphalt layering requirements permanently. Our professional experts can do a proficient job in applying a fresh layer of asphalt coat ensuring that everything is sealed off permanently. We take the time and effort to apply the perfect layer of asphalt ensuring all potholes & cracks are sealed off permanently with proper compaction.

Asphalt Smoothness Deteriorates Because of Unsuitable Aggregate Mix

An unsuitable aggregate mix for asphalt can lead to asphalt deterioration because it does not have the necessary strength and stability to withstand traffic and environmental conditions. Aggregate mix plays an important role in asphalt pavement performance. It provides structural support and resistance to deformation, fatigue, and wear. An unsuitable aggregate mix can create a weak point in the pavement, reducing its overall structural strength and leading to premature deterioration. The aggregate mix must be designed to provide the correct combination of strength, stiffness, and durability to ensure the pavement’s long-term performance. When the aggregate mix is not properly designed, it can be too hard, too soft, or too coarse, which can result in inadequate support, cracking, and crumbling of the asphalt.

Concluding Thoughts

Above discussed are all the possible causes why asphalt surfaces can easily deteriorate. May it be an unsuitable aggregate mix, or your asphalt surface does not have enough compaction, either way, our professionals can provide you with a fresh new layer of asphalt surface. Our team can provide you with high quality asphalt paving, repair and maintenance for all kinds of residential, commercial & industrial clients. Are you in need of a new asphalt driveway? Get in touch with us today.

What Are the Top Five Enemies of an Asphalt

Asphalt surfaces have become common, and rightly so. Not only are they durable, but they are also aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, it also doesn’t require much attention. However, regular maintenance is always a secret to healthy asphalt. Still, we sometimes miss it and end up getting expensive repairs.

So, if you want to save yourself from repeated, expensive repairs, always ensure maintenance from a professional asphalt service provider. Moreover, you also want to ensure that you don’t let these top five enemies of asphalt come near it. If you find them anywhere near it, get rid of them as soon as possible. Haven’t you heard of these evil foes before? Find below.

Top 5 Enemies of an Asphalt

Sun Exposure Can Damage Your Asphalt Surface

Extreme sun exposure is not only harmful to our skin but constant sunlight and harmful UV rays weaken your asphalt and break it. This happens due to aging. As sun exposure oxidizes the tar in asphalt, which makes tar ineffective, and thus it loses its power to hold the aggregate in its place. Causing gravel to surface on the front. This can result in severe damage not only to the surface but also makes the surface hazardous for people. Therefore, always ensure that you don’t forget to seal coat your asphalt, especially the area exposed to sunlight. After all, seal coating is sunscreen for your asphalt, and you know how essential it is to keep the surface safe and secure.

Standing Water Weakens your Asphalt

Standing Water is not just gross, but it is also harmful not only for humans but also for asphalt. Regardless of how the water accumulated, be it due to rain, well, sprinkler, leak, etc., the standing water will only deteriorate the surface. The standing water slowly and gradually creates cracks in the surface, which allows the water to make its way through the surface. This happens because the standing water causes a chemical reaction with the asphalt chemicals. If not taken care of at the right time, the cracks can soon turn into potholes and making the surface dangerous for use. So if you find standing water in your driveway or parking lot where you have asphalt surface, immediately drain it and call the professionals for seal coating to reverse the damage.

Oil Spots And Spills Destroy Asphalt

Oil stains are not only hard to remove from clothes but cleaning oil spills or spots is also a huge task. The situation worsens if you haven’t seal-coated the surface. So if your car is spilling oil and is not fixed yet, try to park it somewhere else. You may use home remedies to clean up oil spots. However, if you are not vigilant enough and the oil is soaked onto the surface, it will break down the asphalt and weaken it from the inside. However, if it stays for a long, you might have to cut and replace the whole area, which is not an inexpensive expense.

Heavy Vehicles Harms Asphalt Surface

Everything has a limit of weight it can carry. Similar is the case with asphalt surfaces. Indeed, these are durable and made to hold the weight, but heavy vehicles such as tractors and trailers can easily damage the asphalt surface. These vehicles are too heavy for the surface to carry. If these vehicles are used or parked on the surface frequently, they can cause cracks and holes in the surface. It will not only make the surface uneven but driving over it can be hazardous and fatal for the passengers and the driver.

Tree Roots can cause bumps on Asphalt.

Do you have a huge tree near the asphalt surface? If so, you’ll need to figure out the way to either cut the tree and secure the surface or vice versa. It is because a tree’s trunk can grow around 70 feet under the goring to search for water. In this case, if the asphalt surface is near it, the roots might start to grow under the asphalt surface. This will damage the base and will turn the flat asphalt road into a bumpy one. Therefore avoid opting for asphalt surfaces near a tree.
So the above five are the main enemies of the asphalt surface. If you want your asphalt surface to prosper and stay in shape for long, be vigilant that these enemies are nowhere near your asphalt surface. Moreover, before we conclude, we have a fair piece of advice for you.

Regularly Maintain Your Asphalt Surface

We understand that asphalt surface maintenance will be the last on your list. However, if you avoid these regular maintenance schedules to save a few bucks, you might end up paying more because of the damage. So without wasting any time further, call Prime Asphalt and book your appointment quickly and at a very reasonable rate.

How To Treat Oil Spots On Asphalt Parking Lots Or Driveways

One of the major problems many driveway owners face is oil spots on their asphalt parking lots or driveways. Not only does it damage your property and property value, but it can also lead to bigger problems like pavement failure. Therefore, you must ensure that you protect your asphalt driveways with a seal coating.

However, if you didn’t get it done last time and you are facing oil spot issues, then treat it as soon as possible before it is too late.

Hence, we will discuss a few home remedies to remove those ugly oil spots. And if the situation has worsened, don’t worry. We will also discuss how to tackle that. So without further ado, let’s see what home remedies you can use to treat oil spots on an asphalt parking lot.

Home Remedies To Treat Oil Spots On Asphalt Driveway

Treat Fresh Oil Spill With Soap and Water

One of the easiest and most effective ways is to put some detergent or soap on the spot. Let it soak in, and then scrub the area with the brush. Once you clean the area, wash it with fresh water. After you’ve cleaned and the area dries out, incall the nearest asphalt repair service provider and get your driveway or parking lot seal coating.
(Note this remedy only works on fresh oil spots)

Clean Your Asphalt Pavement With Cat Litter.

If you’ve spilled oil and want to clean it without leaving the spot, then spread some cat litter on the area and leave it overnight. Cat litter will soak all the oil. Clean the litter the next day and wash the spot before the oil spot becomes permanent.
(Note: This will only work if you spill the oil and clean it before oil dries up)

WD-40 Will Clean The Oil Spots From The Parking Lot

In case you spill the oil or find any oil spots on your driveway, pick up your WD-40 and spray a liberal amount on the spot. Let it dry for 20 minutes. Once it is dried up, clean the surface and make your driveway spot free.

The above ways will only work if the oil spots are fresh. So when you clean it, don’t wait for another spill to get it to seal coat. Once you clean it, book an appointment with your nearest asphalt pavement service provider and ask them to seal coat your parking lot or driveway as soon as possible.

Professional Service For Oil Spot Treatment

However, what if the oil spots have become old and the pavement has soaked all the oil. This would mean that not only do you have a stain on your surface, but your surface has also started deteriorating. If you don’t care for it now, you might have to reinstall the whole pavement, which would mean a huge cost. Therefore, be vigilant and solve the problem before it spreads. Find below the two ways how you can tackle the situation rightly.

Heat Treatment Will Clear Oil Spots From Your Driveway

If you somehow ignored the oil spots and now the oil has seeped into the pavement, your home remedies won’t work. You’ll need to incall a professional for heat treatment. When oil is soaked into the binder, it results in cracks on the surface because aggregate breaks lose. If this is not taken care of at the right time, this would result in pitting. And if this happens, the infrared heat will also not work. Therefore, contact the asphalt repair service provider and schedule your appointment. And also, don’t forget to get it to seal coat to spare it from further damage.

Repatch The Oil Affected Area

Unfortunately, if you are unable to tackle the seeped pavement with heat treatment and the damage further increases, you’ll have no other option than cut the affected area and repatch it. For this, you’ll need professional help. Therefore, find the nearest asphalt repair company and schedule your appointment with them. When you call them, they’ll first visit and see the situation. Next, they will extract the oil-affected area then, repave it with new material, and will finish it up with a seal coat. Yes, the seal coat may increase a few more buck, but don’t hesitate if you want to keep your new asphalt repair in place.

Nonetheless, it is better if you don’t let the situation worsen. Take appropriate action the moment you recognize an oil spot on your asphalt surface. However, if you miss it, then you might have to use extra bucks to get it fixed. So don’t take it for granted. Moreover, before we conclude, we have a pro tip for you.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Although every problem has a solution, we must not wait for the solution. Instead, we must take all the precautions so that we don’t have to waste our hard-earned money. And the best way to take a precaution is to schedule your appointment with a well-reputed asphalt repair company like Prime Asphalt and ask them to come for regular maintenance. And if you haven’t got your asphalt surface seal coated, then get that first.

Lastly, we hope that these home remedies and professional solutions for oil spots on your asphalt driveway or parking lot will come in handy. If you have any queries, you can feel free to contact Prime Asphalt and get professional advice from the comfort of your home.

7 Things You Didn’t About Asphalt

There are a lot of things that go into asphalt paving that many are not quite aware of. Asphalt is a very versatile material that can be used for many different purposes, but there are some interesting facts about asphalt that you may not have known. You may be investing in asphalt for your driveway, parking lots, walkways, and other structures, but if you’re not sure what quality materials are included in the making of asphalt or what things are gone into the process to make it beautiful, then here are 7 things that you didn’t know about asphalt.

What Type of Material is Used in Asphalt to Make it Last Longer?

Asphalt is made up of many different types of materials. Most asphalt includes aggregate such as sand and gravel, petroleum products and binder to form the base mix and a variety of additives such as special polymers that are used to increase its durability and longevity. The components used in asphalt are carefully selected and blended together to make sure that the asphalt can withstand heavy traffic, extreme weather conditions, and wear and tear.

Do You Know that Asphalt Occurs Naturally in Lakes?

Many people don’t realize that asphalt occurs naturally in certain lakes around the world. It is a type of petroleum that is found mostly in saltwater and can be found in deposits on the ocean floor. The asphalt is known to be very thick and can also be used in asphalt paving projects. The largest natural deposit of asphalt is located at the bottom of Lake Peigneur in Louisiana. On average, if you just take 100 acres in size, it comes to an estimate of around 100 million tons of asphalt.

What Kind of Maintenance Does Asphalt Require?

Asphalt is a great investment because it is relatively low maintenance, but there are still some things that need to be done. Regular inspection and maintenance are key to keeping asphalt in good condition and making sure that it can last a long time. This includes inspecting the surface for any cracks, potholes or damage that could cause problems and repairing it immediately. Regular seal coating and crack filling are also recommended to extend their life. Additionally, it’s important to keep the surface clean from debris and weeds.

Do You Know That Porous Asphalt Can Help with Drainage?

One of the biggest challenges with asphalt surfaces is controlling water run-off and drainage. Porous asphalt is a great solution for this problem because it allows water to drain through the asphalt surface and into the sub-base materials. It not only helps with hydroplaning but also with the puddles on the pavement. In certain cases, it also helps to prevent soil erosion. Porous asphalt can absorb precipitation to assist you in preventing flooding and more.

Do You Know There Are Different Types of Asphalt Cracks?

While a crack may appear as just a crack but they are actually different. Different cracks occur differently and they are mostly as follows:

  • Transverse Cracking: Perpendicular cracks that occur as a result of too much stress on the asphalt from traffic.
  • Reflection Cracks: These are parallel cracks that reflect the cracks underneath the asphalt surface.
  • Fatigue Cracks: These occur from heavy loads and repeated traffic over a long period.
  • Edge Cracks: Edge cracking is usually the result of a poor foundation or lack of support at the edges.
  • Slippage cracking: Crescent-shaped cracks can turn into potholes when moisture gets into the asphalt layer.

Do You Know Grass Can Grow Through the Asphalt?

You probably think that asphalt has a solid mass that covers the ground like concrete but this is not true. In fact, it can be quite porous and allow water and even grass to grow through the asphalt layer. This is due to the lack of compaction at installation or shrinkage due to temperature changes. Asphalt can be porous enough for grass and weeds. All asphalts have 10% air voids and if a contractor does not pay attention, grass and weeds can grow through.

Do You Know Asphalt Can Be Recycled?

One of the best things about asphalt is that it can be recycled and reused. Asphalt is made up of 95% aggregates and 5% asphalt cement which can easily be retrieved, cleaned, and combined with new materials to create a fresh pavement. This process is not only cost-effective but sustainable. It also helps to reduce emissions and conserve natural resources.

Concluding Thoughts

Asphalt is a versatile and durable material that can be used in many different applications. While it may require some maintenance over time, its durability and low-maintenance make it a great choice for many pavement projects. Its recyclability and ability to help with drainage are also advantages that must be considered when looking into asphalt paving. There’s a lot more to learn about asphalt, but these seven facts are just the beginning.

HOA: Tips for Landing a Successful Asphalt Deal

Homeowners associations or HOA came into existence back in the 50s. Since then, it has significantly grown and has now become a part of almost every residential area. Its purpose is to maintain and manage the common areas of the neighborhood, like streets, sidewalks, playgrounds, etc.

Today, almost 300,000 HOAs represent over 50 million residents in the US and their number is growing. As the trend of HOAs becomes more popular, many homeowners are looking for ways to land a successful asphalt deal with their HOA. However, it’s a somewhat struggle and therefore, we believe here’s an article to help you.

Are you trying to land a successful asphalt deal with an HOA? Do you want to run a successful transaction which goes smoothly? You can check the prerequisites and details below.

When You Hold a Site Meeting, Have All the Stakeholders Together

If an HOA has contacted you to inquire about seal coating and crack filling service? Before you move into the community for the initial briefing, make sure that the stakeholders of the community are available in person. The stakeholders should include the HOA president, treasurer, property manager and whoever else is relevant to the project.

Be as Detailed as Possible, Conduct a Thorough Walkthrough of the Area

Make sure that you know what type of asphalt surface work needs to be done before you get into any kind of negotiation. This can be done by conducting a thorough walkthrough of the area. During your walkthrough, look for such aspects as existing markings, elevations and pitch points to determine how much asphalt needs to be laid down.

Provide an Accurate Estimate, Put a Comprehensive Proposal Together

Now that you know what work needs to be done, it is time to provide an accurate estimate. Put a comprehensive proposal together, including the estimated cost of materials and labour, along with any additional services you might offer. Make sure to be as detailed as possible so that there are no misunderstandings or surprises down the line.

Be Transparent in Your Communication

Make sure to communicate openly with your HOA clients and be honest about any potential issues or problems you might encounter. This will help build trust between you and the HOA, making it easier for them to enter into a successful asphalt deal with you. During the meeting, you can explain the importance of your service, add it to your properties and justify the price which you’re planning to charge.

Follow Up and Make Sure the Agreement is Being Followed

Don’t forget to follow up with your HOA after the agreement has been signed. Make sure that they are happy with the work you’ve done and that the terms of the agreement are being followed.

By following these tips, you can be confident that your HOA clients are getting the best possible service from your business. Asphalt deals are not easy to land, but by following the right approach and making sure that everyone involved is satisfied with the outcome, you can be sure that your customers will be happy. Good luck!

Prime Asphalt is an experienced paving contractor in the metro Atlanta area. We have over 20 years of experience in asphalt and concrete paving and specialize in HOA projects.

Contact us today for more information.

Is it Winter Again? Here Are 5 Tips to Protect the Driveway Asphalt

The winter season is here and one of the major threats that many of us experience is when the driveway pavement becomes damaged or cracked due to the cold temperatures. It can turn into a very annoying situation, not only because of the cost associated with repairing or replacing it but also because of the safety hazards that can come along with poor driveway pavement.

For many reasons, people don’t normally understand why this happens but when the snow melts, it pools water around on the pavement and as a result, the compactness of the driveway pavement goes at risk. Therefore, when the water refreezes again, it expands into small potholes and cracks which altogether contribute to the damage to your driveway surface.

So how do you protect your driveway asphalt this winter?

Here are five tips to help you out:

1. Make it a Practice to Remove Debris from the Driveway Pavement

Staying proactive can always be helpful especially when it comes to your driveway. If you want to keep your driveway in top-notch condition, it’s necessary that you keep it well-maintained during the winter freeze and thaw cycles. Removing debris like leaves, branches, etc. from the pavement will help to reduce the amount of water that can pool around and cause damage.

When you are opt-in for a professional driveway cleanup service, it will reveal issues such as potholes or surface crackling which may require immediate attention, when and if needed. To prevent large pieces of debris from freezing and damaging the driveway pavement during the long colder months of the winter, one must clear the surface away from debris in advance.

Altogether, it will ensure that your driveway remains in the best condition.

2. Keep up with Sealcoating

We understand that driveway paving installation is among the most important investments for homes and businesses. Therefore, it is essential that you should take great care of your pavement investments. The best way to do that is to cover the cracks and potholes appearing with a seal coat.

Sealcoating is a process that blocks contaminants and water from entering the surface of the driveway pavement while restoring its color. This protective covering provides exceptional protection against everything that affects your asphalt surface such as rainwater, snow, ice, and other elements.

3. Fill Cracks Immediately

If you find any cracks on your asphalt driveway pavement, don’t wait for the winter to take its toll on the surface. Filling cracks is a necessary step that homeowners must take in order to protect their driveways against further damage during wintertime. For small and medium-sized cracks, you can use asphalt crack filler or rubberized sealant meant specifically for this purpose.

But if the problem requires more attention then you can always use cold asphalt to fill in the cracks & potholes. Usually, pre-mixed asphalt can be filled in the cracks & holes and then compacted with a tamper or a vehicle. In other cases, you can always use the hot-mix asphalt for major repairs such as potholes and trenches.

4. Beware of Salt and Chemical Deicers

An asphalt driveway or road can often get covered with salt by a process called “frost heave.” It starts happening when the ground beneath the asphalt freezes and expands pushing the asphalt up and as a result, it creates small cracks. The ice usually melts during spring or during warmer weather, but it can leave salt crystals on the surface of the asphalt.

Once the road or driveway surface is covered with salt, it weakens the integrity of your asphalt pavement and breaks it down over time. So, if you are in the habit of using salt and chemical deicers to make your driveway asphalt snow-free, then you should be extra careful while doing so. You can also try using other alternatives such as sand, kitty litter and gravel to reduce your dependence on salt and deicers.

5. Hire Professional Asphalt Paving Services

Last but not least, it is best that you always hire professional asphalt paving services for any kind of job related to asphalt. It could range from pavement maintenance and repair to seal coating & crack filling. The reasons why you should consider professional asphalt paving services is because they are well aware of;

  • They are aware of the environmental effects
  • They know how to choose the right deicer mix
  • They are aware of pooling water on the surface
  • They know how to properly manage the seal coating process

And most importantly, they have all the necessary and advanced equipment for quick and efficient completion of the job.

So, follow these tips to ensure that your driveway asphalt stays protected against any damage during the winter season and enjoy a safe and smooth ride all year round.

Concluding Thoughts

Asphalt driveways are a great way to add value and curb appeal to your home or business. That is why it’s important to take good care of your driveway asphalt in order to protect it from winter weather. By following these tips, you can make sure that your driveway asphalt stays in great condition for many years to come.

Good maintenance is key when it comes to asphalt pavement and investing in professional asphalt paving services can help you. Are you looking for a professional service?

Feel free to get in touch with our professionals.

Should You Choose Concrete or Asphalt for Driveway?

When we talk about constructing driveways, there are basically two common materials which are quite abundantly used. They are concrete and asphalt and neither of these is superior to one other. They both have their fair share of benefits and disadvantages. Based on your locality and the environment, either of them can be good or bad for your driveway.
A driveway is an important part of your house or commercial setup. It needs to look good and be durable for a long time. This is why you should carefully consider all the factors before making a driveway for your property and that includes the material which you’re planning to use.
In this article, we are going to shed light on both and see which comes out as a better option.
So without further ado, let’s read on.

Concrete Is Relatively Expensive Compared to Asphalt

If you’re on a budget and you’re planning to get a suitable material for your driveway, then asphalt is the best choice for you. It’s because concrete (compared to asphalt) is a bit more expensive and any new driveway requires a considerable amount of material. On the other hand, asphalt is available at considerably cheaper rates and you can get a driveway constructed much more easily.

Concrete Requires Less Maintenance Than Asphalt

If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like to spend their time maintaining things, then concrete driveways will best serve you. However, there’s a downside to it. From time to time, the concrete driveway may need to be cleaned and resealed to retain its look and strength. But generally speaking, they relatively require fewer cleaning & resealing sessions than asphalt.

Concrete Leave Stains While Asphalt Doesn’t

If there’s one thing about concrete that’s not good for a driveway is its tendency to easily get stains. One can easily find oil spills and other chemical marks on this material. Other biological developments like moss, fungus & mold can also be seen quite easily in concrete. However, asphalt is much better at resisting stains and they look cleaner than concrete. Besides such developments, there’s also a significant chance of discoloration over time.

Concrete Is Harder and Longer Lasting Than Asphalt

When it comes to durability, concrete stands out hands down. It may require less frequent repairs compared to its counterpart. Asphalt is a softer material and can easily succumb to wear and tear due to gradual usage. So if your driveway has a lot of heavy vehicle movement, asphalt can easily deteriorate over time. On the other hand, concrete is more solid and can easily last for years.
The best way to protect your asphalt is to cover up any noticeable wear with an extra layer.

Asphalt Is Easier to Repair than Concrete

If you’re looking for an easy repair option, then asphalt is the best choice. It’s because asphalt can easily be filled in and repaired with a relatively smaller investment. On the other hand, repairing concrete requires more work and it would involve breaking up large pieces and then relaying them again which will cost you a lot of time and money.

Which One Should I Choose: Concrete or Asphalt?

It is quite evident that both asphalt and concrete have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. So, it’s quite hard to decide which one should you choose. However, the decision will largely depend on your locality, weather conditions and usage. Asphalt is great if you’re looking for something that is cheaper, easy to repair and requires less maintenance. On the other hand, if you want something solid, and long-lasting, and if it would observe more foot traffic than normal then concrete is a suitable option for you.
At Prime Asphalt, we offer our customers both concrete and asphalt driveways and can help them choose the best option for their needs. Get in touch with us today so that we can provide you with a suitable solution.
CALL: 817-689-8965

HOA & Hiring: What To Look For In An Asphalt Paving Contractor?

ant investment, and as an HOA board member, you’ll want to be informed every step of the way.

  • Professional contractors who have never completed larger projects may not have enough expertise to complete complicated projects.
  • An ideal way to ensure a company’s insurance is by checking with your state’s licensing board to verify their status.
  • The company you choose should help you create a map of the community, showing the kind of work to do in each area and specific dates.
  • Taking the time to find a reputable company is an investment in your community that will pay off for years to come.

The dues that the homeowner associations (HOA) collect must be managed wisely to ensure that the residents receive the expected benefits. Residents expect to receive these benefits and avoid any inconvenience because of the services provided.

When an HOA hires an asphalt paving contractor to maintain, replace, or repair the community’s pavement, the contractor must understand the unique issues that can arise during the project.

Let’s discuss what HOAs need to look for when hiring a professional paving company so that pavement projects can be completed professionally and timely.

Essential Qualities of a Professional Paving Company

The best outcomes are typically achieved when a paving contractor has a vast experience in the kind of project to be executed. You’ll want to hire a trusted contractor that offers references for their work quality and comprise well-trained staff members.

Additionally, the importance of communication cannot be understated when hiring a professional paving company. Asphalt paving is a significant investment, and you’ll want to be kept in the loop about every step of the process. An experienced company will have no problem keeping you updated and answering any questions you may have.

Why Is an Experienced Asphalt Paving Contractor So Important?

Asphalt Pavement projects can range from miles of interconnected streets to small residential driveways. The size & scope of the project can determine several things.

These include the equipment involved, the scheduling of asphalt trucks, an assortment of essential details, the number of crew members required, and much more.

Professional contractors who have never completed projects larger than a tennis court may not have enough expertise to complete complicated projects such as parking lots.

Even if you only require a simple asphalt seal coating, you want to opt for a company that understands the risks and potential issues that can arise when working with an HOA. That’s why establishing trust with an HOA should be a priority.

Moreover, you want to be sure that the professional paving contractor you select is licensed, insured, and bonded. Any legitimate company will have these qualifications.

An ideal way to ensure this is to ask for proof of insurance and check with your state’s licensing board to verify their status. BBB accreditation is also a good indicator of a company’s legitimacy.

How Can You Find a Reputable Asphalt Paving Contractor?

The easiest way to start searching is by going online or asking for recommendations. Once you have collected the best names according to your requirements, you can begin conducting research before requesting quotes.

Every professional paving company today has websites that provide information about the company, its services, and its functional areas. These websites also include testimonials, reviews, photographs, and videos of the crew in action or after completing a project.

Additionally, you can visit third-party websites where customers have posted reviews about the contractor and given ratings based on their work with them.

Why Do Asphalt Contractors Require Exceptional Communication Skills?

There are various reasons why contractors providing services to HOAs must communicate everything. Being good at communication also means the company will be a good listener.

You’ll want the contractor to give their undivided attention when explaining the work that you want. Any important details that you mention or any unusual aspects in the project need to be clearly understood by the contractor.

Furthermore, contractors must be able to answer all your questions using unambiguous language and avoid using industry slang or technical terminology.

The company you choose should help you create a map of the community which shows what kind of work will be done in every area and on specific dates. Any delays in street closings will impact your residents, which is why the contractor should be able to change their schedule according to your community’s requirements.

Red Flags to Avoid When Looking for A Pavement Company as an HOA

Lack Of Licensing and Insurance

When looking for a professional asphalt paving contractor to work for your HOA, check that they are appropriately licensed and insured.

If they are not, you could be held liable for any accidents or damage that occurs during the course of their work. A reputable paving company will have no problem providing you with proof of their licensing and insurance.

No Experience Working with HOAs

It’s essential to choose a paving contractor who has experience working with HOAs. They should understand the unique needs and requirements of HOAs and be able to work within those parameters.

A company with no experience working with HOAs may not be familiar with the regulations and restrictions that come with the job, which could cause problems down the road.

Use Of Inferior-Quality Materials.

The quality of the materials used for your asphalt paving project will directly impact how long the finished product lasts.

Make sure the contractor you hire uses high-quality, durable materials to withstand heavy traffic and inclement weather. You could have to repave much sooner than expected if they’re not using high-quality materials.

Asking For Complete Payment Upfront

You mustn’t pay for the complete asphalt paving project outright. A reputable contractor will request a down payment to cover the cost of materials. Then they’ll bill you for the remainder once the job is completed to your satisfaction.

Suppose a contractor asks for complete payment upfront. In that case, that’s a big red flag that they may not be legitimate and may fail to provide a written estimate.

Any reputable asphalt paving contractor should be able to provide you with a written estimate that includes the scope of work and the total cost of the project.

This will help ensure no surprises when it comes time to pay the bill. If a contractor refuses to provide a written estimate or tries to give you a verbal estimate only, move on to someone else

Here are some more red flags you’d want to keep an eye out for.

Benefits Of Hiring a Professional Paving Contractor

The results will be high-quality, long-lasting pavement that will enhance the curb appeal of your neighborhood. A professional company has the experience and expertise to ensure that the job is done right the first time.

They may also offer you a warranty for their work. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to pay for any repairs if something goes wrong. When you take the time to find a reputable and professional asphalt paving contractor, you’re making an investment in your community that will pay off for years to come.

Prime Asphalt is a paving contractor serving in Waco, TX. Our commitment to quality and a vast range of services ensures that you get the perfect pavement solutions.

Contact our experts to learn more and get a free estimate on our services today!

Asphalt VS. Tar And Chip Driveways: What’s The Difference?

Key Takeaways:

  • Asphalt, tar, and chip driveways’ affordability and durability make them popular among homeowners.
  • Tar and chip is a unique paving option that will boost your home’s curb appeal.
  • In terms of cost, tar and chip fall somewhere between asphalt and concrete.
  • Asphalt is the go-to option for residential driveways because it is less expensive than concrete and can be installed quickly.
  • Tar and chip driveways are a unique paving option that combines the best features of asphalt and gravel driveways.
  • A tar and chip driveway is created with a method much similar to asphalt paving.

Asphalt is the most popular choice among homeowners for driveway paving and a good reason. It’s durable, weather-resistant, and relatively easy to install and repair. However, it’s not the only option. A better alternative, tar and chip driveways, are becoming increasingly popular. Prime Asphalt will weigh the differences between asphalt vs. tar and chip paving on a few metrics:

– Installation

– Maintenance

– Cost

– Life Expectancy

Let’s first recall an introduction to these two kinds of paving methods.

Asphalt Driveway

Our good old asphalt driveway is made of two different materials: rock and bitumen. The rock is usually gravel or crushed stone, and the bitumen is a black, sticky substance that binds everything together.

The asphalt mixture is heated to about 300 degrees Fahrenheit to soften the rocks and bitumen. Next, this mixture is compacted by a large roller to form a solid surface. Today, we see asphalt everywhere: from parking lots to highways. The black sheet is smooth, weather-resistant, and can last for years with proper maintenance.

Tar and Chip Driveway

tar and chip driveway (also called “chip seal paving”) is much similar to an asphalt driveway. It also consists of two different materials: rock and bitumen. Despite that, one look at the two driveways, and you can see a big difference.

The rock used in a tar and chip driveway is crushed limestone, which gives it a unique look compared to asphalt. The bitumen is also different; cold tar is applied to the rocks instead of hot tar.

Once the tar is applied, a layer of small rocks is spread over the surface and compacted. The result is a unique, textured driveway with a natural rustic look. Tar and chip driveways come with their pros and cons.

Let’s see how they further differ:

1. Installation

Asphalt Driveway:

Installing an asphalt driveway is a pretty straightforward process. First, the contractor excavates and grades the subgrade (the area of driveway installation). Next, they will add a layer of gravel and begin compacting. In the final steps, the asphalt is installed on top of the stone and compressed again.

Tar and Chip Driveway:

As we briefly discussed, the tar and chip driveway contractor will first grade and excavate the subgrade. Next, they will lay down a layer of gravel and apply hot tar to the surface. After laying tar, they sprinkle on stone chips (usually made from crushed limestone). The final step is to compact the entire surface. 

In regions such as Cowley, TX, where the summer gets extremely hot, it’s crucial to have a driveway that can withstand the heat.

2. Cost

Asphalt Driveway:

The cost of an asphalt driveway varies depending on a few factors. First, the size of your driveway will impact the price. Larger driveways will be more expensive than smaller ones. Second is the condition of your subgrade.

It will add to the cost if you have a lot of rock or other debris that needs removal. Finally, the price of asphalt can fluctuate depending on the market. In Texas, contractors offer a per-square-foot rate of $7 to $13.

Tar and Chip Driveway:

Tar and chip driveway cost also depends on a few factors. The size of the job is the first factor, followed by the condition of your existing pavement. If your subgrade is in good condition, you can expect to pay less than if it needs extensive work.

However, it shall be relieving to know that these driveways cost lesser and can last just as long as asphalt, if not more. The contractors may offer a rate of $4 to $7 per square foot for your tar and chip driveway in Cowley, TX, which may fluctuate according to many factors.


Asphalt Driveway:

Sealcoating and repairs are the main asphalt driveway maintenance costs you’ll face. When it comes to sealcoating, our experts recommend that you do it every three to five years to protect your investment and maintain your driveway for looking its best.

Cracks and potholes are yet another asphalt driveway issue you’ll have to deal with over time. These can be caused by weather, wear and tear, or even tree roots. You can fill small cracks with sealant, but larger ones require patching or repaving.

Tar and Chip Driveway:

Although a tar and chip driveway is a relatively low-maintenance option, you will need to have it resealed every few years to keep it looking its best.

One of the benefits of a tar and chip driveway is that it is less likely to crack or develop potholes than an asphalt driveway. However, if cracks do develop, they will need to be repaired promptly to prevent further damage.

Life Expectancy:

Asphalt Driveway:

The longevity of an asphalt driveway depends on some factors, including the climate, the amount of traffic it receives, and maintenance. In general, however, an asphalt driveway can last 15 to 20 years before it needs to be replaced.

Tar and Chip Driveway:

A tar and chip driveway has a similar lifespan to an asphalt driveway. With proper maintenance, it can last for 20 years or more. When you compare the two types of driveways, a tar and chip driveway is a more cost-effective option in the long run.

The Final Verdict:

With both options having their multiple characteristics, your preference holds power depending on what you need. Asphalt is the way to go if you require a low-maintenance option. However, a tar and chip driveway may be the better option if you’re looking for a more affordable and unique look for your home.

Tar and Chip Driveway Contractor in Cowley, TX

Professional expertise goes a long way. When it comes to your home, you want only the best for it. That’s why choosing a reputable tar and chip driveway contractor like Prime Asphalt, serving Cowley, TX, is essential when paving your driveway. With unmatched expertise and years of experience, our team will provide you with a beautiful, long-lasting tar and chip driveway that will impress you.

Request a free estimate now!

Ranch Road Paving: The Best Gravel Paving Solutions For Your Property

One of the most important factors to consider when paving a farm or ranch is the material you will use. There are various options, but not all of them are right for every property. As a farmer or rancher maintaining your property is essential to your success. Not only do you need to keep it looking good, but you also need to make sure it’s functioning well.

A critical aspect of property maintenance is paving. Paving helps to protect your land from weather damage and makes it easier to travel across. Different types of gravel are available, so how do you choose the right one for your farm or ranch? Prime Asphalt will discuss the best gravel paving solutions for farms and ranches and help you decide which material is suitable for your property!

What Is Gravel, And Why Is It Favored for Farms and Ranches?

Gravel is a type of small rock often used in construction and landscaping. It can be natural or manufactured, typically found in various colors, including white, gray, and black. Gravel is commonly used to create paths, driveways, and gardens. It is also frequently used as a drainage material to control erosion and runoff. Gravel is extensively used on farms and ranches because it is relatively inexpensive and easy to install.

Types of Gravel

Many types of gravel are available on the market, so choosing the right one for your needs is essential. A paving contractor can help you in this regard.

1. Crushed Stone

The most common type of gravel is crushed stone. Crush is made from rocks that have been pulverized into smaller pieces. The size of the stones varies depending on the application. For example, larger stones are often used for paving roads, while smaller rocks may be used for landscaping or drainage.

2. Pea Gravel

Another type of gravel is pea gravel. Pea gravel comprises small, round stones typically used for landscaping or drainage purposes. It is often used as a top layer on driveways or walkways because it provides a smooth, even surface.

3. River Rock

Finally, river rock is gravel made from larger stones that have worn down the force of moving water. River rock is often used in landscaping applications because it has a natural appearance. It is commonly used in creating water features like ponds and streams.

Choosing the Right Gravel Type For Your Project

When choosing the right type of gravel for your needs, it’s essential to consider the size and shape of the stones and the application. You’ll also have to think about the climate in your area and how the gravel will hold up paving over time. Paving contractors can help identify the appropriate gravel type based on location and climate conditions.

Benefits of Using Gravel

Gravel can help keep dirt and mud from tracking into your home or business.

Gravel is an affordable paving solution that can last many years with proper maintenance.

It is affordable and can withstand heavy traffic and bad weather.

Ending Note

If you’re unsure which type of gravel is right for you, contact Prime Asphalt serving Waco, TX. Paving contractors in our team will be able to help you choose the suitable material for your specific needs. We will provide a free estimate for the project.

Can Bad-Quality Pavement Lower The Value Of Your Home?

Bad-quality pavement can have a significant impact on the value of your home. If your driveway is in poor condition, it can make your home look unkempt and decrease its curb appeal. In addition, a damaged or gravel driveway can be difficult to maintain, especially in the winter. As a result, prospective buyers may be deterred from considering your home. Paving your driveway is a significant investment, but it may be worth it to boost the value of your home.

How Much Can a Low-Quality Pavement Impact the Appraisal?

Bad pavement can decrease the value of your home by up to 10 percent. Suppose you are planning on selling your home. In that case, investing in repairing or replacing your driveway is important before putting your house on the market.

Your home’s appraisal is based on several factors, including location, size, age, and condition. The appraiser considers the condition of your home’s driveway when determining the value of your property. A cracked, uneven, or otherwise damaged driveway can make your home appear less well-maintained and decrease curb appeal. This can lead to a lower appraisal value for your home.

Bad pavement can also be a safety hazard. Cracks and potholes can damage tires and cause trips and falls. You could be held liable if someone is injured on your property due to low-quality pavement. This could result in a lawsuit and potentially large financial damages.

Appraisers or potential buyers may perceive the damage as a sign that the home is not well-maintained and could require expensive repairs.

Best Materials for Driveways that Increase Your Home’s Value

When it comes to paving materials, there are many options. As a homeowner, you’ll need to consider your climate, budget, and personal design preferences when choosing one.


Asphalt is a popular choice for driveway paving because it’s very durable and low maintenance. It’s made by mixing gravel, sand, and stone with bitumen, which is then laid down in layers. A well-designed and installed asphalt driveway may last for 20 years or more.


  • Asphalt driveways are durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
  • They’re also low maintenance since they don’t require resealing like other driveway materials.


  • Asphalt driveways can develop cracks over time, especially if not properly maintained.
  • They can also be subject to staining from oil leaks or other substances.


Concrete is a popular driveway paving material. To prevent the surface from cracking with temperature swings, start with a solid gravel base and finish by pouring concrete slabs on top. A properly designed and maintained concrete driveway may survive for 25-50 years.


  • Concrete is extremely durable.
  • You can customize the look of your concrete driveway with different colors and finishes.
  • Concrete doesn’t require much maintenance. Regular sweeping and cleaning are usually all needed to keep it looking its best.


  • Concrete driveways can crack over time if they’re not properly maintained.
  • They can also be subject to staining from oil leaks or other substances.

Paver Stone

Paver stone is another popular choice for driveway paving. It’s made from interlocking concrete pavers that are available in a variety of colors and styles.


  • Paver stone driveways are very durable and low maintenance.
  • They can last for 20 years or more with proper care.


  • Paver stone driveways can be more expensive to install than asphalt or concrete.
  • They also require more regular cleaning and maintenance than some other driveway materials.

If you’re looking for the best paving contractor in Texas, Prime Asphalt is at your service! We provide high-quality paving services in Waco, TX. We believe that asphalt pavement will enhance the beauty and value of your home. That’s why we provide reasonable pricing for residential, commercial, and industrial asphalt paving services.

Request an estimate now!

    How To Transform Your Driveway Into A Work Of Art

    Your driveway has an impact on people visiting your home. So why not make it a work of art? As an experienced paving contractor, Prime Asphalt will discuss creative ideas for transforming your driveway into something special. Whether you want to add some color, install a pattern, or create a mural, there are plenty of options!

    1. Add Some Color to Your Driveway

    If you like to add some color to your driveway, one option is to use concrete stains. Concrete stains come in various colors and can be applied to any concrete surface. You can create a unique design by applying different colors in different patterns. If you want to get creative, you could try painting your driveway. It is a great way to add curb appeal and make an accurate statement. Use high-quality paint and sealer so that it will last for years to come. Paint can be applied to both concrete and asphalt driveways. When choosing a paint color, compliment it with the overall look of your home and landscaping. You can also consult a professional painter before making your final decision. Another option is to use colored concrete or asphalt to create a unique look. You can find various colors at your local home improvement store or have them custom-made to match your home’s exterior by an experienced paving contractor.

    2. Create A Pattern On Your Driveway

    If you’re interested in creating a pattern on your driveway, one option is to use stencils. Stencils come in various designs and can be used to create multiple looks. Another option for creating patterns is to use stamps. Stamps are available in many formats and can be used to create simple and complex designs. Several companies offer pre-made driveway stencils and stamps if you’re not interested in creating your custom layout. Design patterns add some interest and personality to an otherwise mundane space. If you’re not particularly artistically inclined, an experienced paving contractor offers stenciling services.

    3. Use Glow in the Dark Driveway Paint

    If you want to add something extra to your driveway, consider using Glow in the Dark Driveway Paint. This paint is specifically designed for driveways and is available in various colors. The paint charges itself during the day with sunlight and glows at night, providing extra safety for your family by making the driveway visible in the dark.

    No matter your driveway design, an experienced paving contractor will prepare it well before beginning the project. It will ensure that the new driveway lasts for years to come.

    Ending Note

    Whether you want a sleek and simple design or something flashier, an experienced paving contractor like Prime Asphalt serving Waco, TX, can help make your driveway dreams a reality. We happily offer a free estimate for our paving services so that you can see just how affordable having a beautiful driveway can be. Contact us today to discuss with you what we can do!

    6 Quick Tips For Parking Lot Maintenance

    Parking lot maintenance can often seem daunting, but with these quick tips, it can be a breeze! Following these simple guidelines regularly can keep your parking lot looking great and functioning properly.

    1. Inspect and Clean Your Parking Lot

    Inspecting your parking lot regularly is important to spot any problems that need to be fixed. You should do inspections more frequently if the parking lot is subject to heavy use. Look for cracked pavement, potholes, standing water, and anything else that could cause problems. If you notice any issues, be sure to take care of them right away.

    Furthermore, make sure to thoroughly clean your parking lot and sweep away any dirt or debris which will make your pavement look unclean or unkempt.

    2. Repair Cracks and Potholes

    If there are any cracks or potholes in your parking lot, repair them as soon as possible. They don’t just pose a safety hazard, but they can also make your parking lot look unkempt. Use a sealant or patching material to fill in any cracks or holes and smoothen out the surface.

    3. Mark Lines and Spaces

    If you have a large parking lot, it’s important to clearly mark lines and spaces so that drivers can park properly. This will help keep the traffic flow smooth & prevent accidents. Use bright, visible paint when line striping and make sure the lines are clear and easy to see.

    4. Install & Maintain Helpful Signs

    If you have any signs in your parking lot, check them regularly to ensure they are still visible and legible. If a sign is damaged or faded, replace it as soon as possible so drivers can easily find their way around the parking lot.

    5. Have Your Parking Lot Paved or Resurfaced When Necessary

    Over time, the pavement in your parking lot will start to show wear and tear. Cracks, potholes, and other irregularities can form on the parking lot’s surface. These can pose a danger to drivers and should be repaired as soon as possible. In some cases, you may need to hire a parking lot maintenance service to have your parking lot paved or resurfaced.

    6. Add Lighting If Needed

    If your parking lot is not well lit, it can be unsafe for drivers. Adding adequate lighting is a simple way to improve safety and make your parking lot more inviting. Be sure to install lights to provide adequate coverage without being too bright. You may also want to consider motion-sensor lights to help deter crime.


    Parking lot maintenance doesn’t have to be difficult. Start by regularly sweeping and cleaning up debris to keep your parking lot in tip-top shape. This will help prevent build-up and stains on the pavement. It would be best if you also powered wash the pavement every few months to remove any dirt or grime that has accumulated. In addition, be sure to repair any cracks or potholes as soon as they appear. By taking these proactive measures, you can keep your parking lot looking its best for years to come!

    If you’re looking for parking lot maintenance services in Texas, there’s no better place to call than Prime Asphalt serving Waco! Our services range from parking lot repairs, seal coating, and crack sealing to parking lot maintenance services for all our customers!

    Get a free estimate for our maintenance services now!

    Road Maintenance 101 – Keeping Your Road In Prime Condition!

    Maintaining your roads is crucial to keeping your community safe and functioning. A well-maintained road ensures that traffic can move smoothly and that drivers can get to their destinations safely. That’s why it’s critical to know the basics of road maintenance and keep your road in prime condition!

    In this blog post, Prime Asphalt will discuss the most important aspects of road maintenance and how you can keep your roads in good shape!

    What is road maintenance?

    Road maintenance is keeping a road in prime condition by regularly inspecting and repairing it. It helps to preserve the road so that it lasts longer and doesn’t need to be replaced as often.

    Asphalt is the standard material for paving roads. It’s durable, long-lasting, and provides a smooth surface for driving. However, asphalt does require some maintenance to keep it in good condition. Over time, the sun and weather can damage the asphalt, causing it to crack and crumble.

    What are some typical road maintenance activities?

    Some common types of road maintenance include pothole repair, crack sealing, seal coating, and resurfacing.

    Potholes are one of the most prevalent forms of road damage and can be caused by various factors such as weathering, traffic, and poor drainage. Pothole repair is typically done by patching the hole with asphalt or concrete.

    Crack sealing is another type of road maintenance that helps to prevent water from seeping into the cracks and causing damage to the road. Crack sealants are typically applied to the cracks before filling them with asphalt or concrete.

    Sealcoating helps to protect asphalt roads from weathering and wear. Seal coats typically contain asphalt, sand, and other materials that help fill in small cracks and provide a protective layer on the road’s surface.

    Resurfacing is a type of road maintenance involving removing the top layer of asphalt and replacing it with a new one. This process is typically done when there is extensive damage to the road surface.

    Drainage unblocking is the process of removing debris that is blocking a drainage system. Unblocking can be done using various methods, including manual removal, flushing with water, and a vacuum truck.

    Importance of road maintenance:

    Road maintenance is essential because it helps keep roads in good condition and safe travel. Poorly maintained roads can lead to potholes, cracks, and other damage, making driving difficult and dangerous. Road maintenance is also important for the environment, as it helps to prevent pollution from vehicle exhaust and tire wear.

    How often should road maintenance be performed?

    Road maintenance should be performed as needed every two to three years. However, more frequent maintenance may be necessary if the road is subject to heavy traffic or weather damage.

    Why choose a professional for road maintenance?

    Asphalt professionals like Prime Asphalt have the experience and knowledge to correctly assess road damage and choose the best repair method. They also have the necessary equipment to complete repairs quickly and efficiently. Hiring a professional for road maintenance can save you time and money in the long run.

    We provide top-notch road maintenance services in Waco, Texas. Regardless of road maintenance—preventative, reactive, or emergency—our highly trained personnel always guarantee the highest caliber of work.

    Request an estimate today!

    UV Rays: The Enemy Of Asphalt Pavement

    UV rays are a primary enemy of asphalt pavement. Over time, they can cause the surface to crack and deteriorate, leading to costly repairs.

    In this blog post, Prime Asphalt will discuss the damage that UV rays can cause and the steps you can take to prevent it. Stay tuned for more!

    How Bad Is It?

    Since we can’t see ultraviolet (UV) light, it’s easy to forget its power. But make no mistake: UV rays are intense, and they can do some severe damage. They’re one of the leading causes of deterioration in asphalt pavement. Over time, UV rays can cause the pavement’s surface to crack and crumble.

    This can lead to several problems, including:

    • Potholes
    • uneven surfaces
    • decreased lifespan of the pavement
    • increased repair and maintenance costs
    • driving hazards

    All of these issues can be costly to repair, which is why it’s essential to take steps to prevent UV damage in the first place.

    What Can Be Done?

    We lather sunscreen onto our skin to protect ourselves from UV rays, and we should take similar precautions with our asphalt pavement.

    No. 1: Sealcoating

    One of the best ways to realize this is to seal coat the pavement surface regularly. Sealcoating creates a barrier between the pavement and the elements, including UV rays. It’s important to note that sealcoating is not a cure-all, however. It will not repair existing damage but can help prevent future problems.

    No. 2: Slurry Seal

    A thicker and heavier version of sealcoating, slurry seal is a good option for areas that see significant traffic or are subject to harsh weather conditions. Slurry seals can also help fill in small cracks and bumps in the pavement surface. This type requires at least 24 hours to cure, so be prepared for some traffic disruptions if you choose this option.

    No. 3: Microsurfacing

    Although more expensive than sealcoating or slurry seals, microsurfacing can further extend the life of your pavement. This treatment is perfect for larger parking lots or roads with a high traffic volume. It contains more polymer and aggregate with added asphalt residue in a slurry mix, which is then applied to the pavement and left to cure for a short time. After it dries, the result is a smooth, new surface.

    No. 4: TRMSS

    Tire rubber modified surface sealer, or TRMSS, works for areas like airport runways, highways, and other high-traffic areas. This sealer replaces oils that have dried out in the asphalt along with aggregate necessary for a new top layer. It also contains rubber from ground-up tires, which gives it its name. This addition makes the sealer more elastic and durable to withstand heavy traffic and extreme weather conditions.


    While UV rays might be the enemy of asphalt pavement, there are ways to fight back and prevent damage. Proper maintenance and sealcoating allow your asphalt surface to last many years.

    If you need help preserving your asphalt pavement in Waco, TX, Prime Asphalt is here to help. We offer a wide range of services to keep your pavement looking its best, including tar chip paving and road maintenance.

    Get your estimate today!

    Tar & Chip Vs. Asphalt: Which Is The Better Option For Driveways?

    Regarding driveways, there are a few different options to choose from. One of the most popular choices is tar & chip, a combination of tar and crushed stone. Another option is asphalt, which comprises asphalt cement and aggregate. So, which option is the better for your driveway – tar & chip or asphalt?

    In this blog post, Prime Asphalt will compare the two options and help you decide which one is best for you!

    Asphalt driveway:

    Asphalt is the most often used paving material for driveways and parking lots. This material is not only beautiful, but it may also be quite durable. Before installing asphalt pavement, dig and grade the area. After you’ve accomplished these preliminary tasks, you may start paving.

    After allowing the base to settle, the contractor will use a heavy-duty roller to apply the hot mix asphalt to the surface. Only the driveway will be ready to use after the mix is spread out.

    Advantages of asphalt:

    Longevity: A well-designed asphalt paved driveway may endure up to 30 years if professionally placed and maintained.

    Durable: Asphalt can withstand the weight of large vehicles.

    Flexibility: Unlike other types of pavement, asphalt is highly adaptable. It is less prone to breaking over time.

    Cost: Asphalt is inexpensive compared to a variety of alternative paving solutions.

    Considerations for asphalt driveways:

    In the same way, as other paving solutions, there are certain things to consider while working with asphalt.

    Temperatures: Asphalt may absorb heat and produce an extremely hot surface in warmer weather. As a result, the temperature inside automobiles might rise.

    Maintenance: Even though asphalt is durable, it needs gentle, loving care.

    Tar and Chip Driveways:

    Tar and chip driveways provide a more distinctive look for homeowners. This paving process has become increasingly popular over time. Take these considerations into account before hiring a contractor to complete this project.

    Advantages of Tar and chip driveway:

    Aesthetics: Tar and chip driveways are lively and stunning and may be customized to your unique design preferences.

    Self-Healing: Tar and chip driveways are one of a kind because they self-heal in hot weather. The cement holding the pavement together will seep into any fractures that have formed over time in the right conditions.

    Maintenance: Unlike asphalt driveways, tar and chip driveways do not require sealing over time.

    Improved Traction: Due to their composition, Tar and chip driveways provide better traction for automobiles.

    Consideration for Tar and Chip Driveways:

    Snow removal: Act decently before removing any snow from a tar and chip driveway. We recommend using a shovel or a snowblower to clear snow off Tar & Chip property.

    Contractors: Contractors of tar and paving are hard to find. 

    Fortunately for you, Prime Asphalt provides some of the best Tar & Chip paving in Waco, TX. We provide homeowners the peace of mind that a highly qualified expert will handle their paving job.


    Both paving solutions will be suitable for homeowners at the end of the day. Unfortunately, we are unable to determine which is superior. As previously stated, both paving options offer advantages and disadvantages.

    Request an estimate for a new driveway!

    Sinkholes & Stable Soil – Working Out A Stable Base Solution In Unstable Texas Soil

    Texas is known for many things: Friendly people, cowboys, and…sinkholes? That’s right – Texas is one of the states with the most sinkholes. And with all that unruly soil, it can be challenging to create a stable base for your home or business. But don’t worry! Prime Asphalt got a few solutions to help you out. So please read on and learn more about creating a safe and stable foundation in Texas!

    1. What are sinkholes, and why are they a problem in Texas?

    Sinkholes are hole-like depressions that form when the ground collapses due to a void beneath the surface. Texas soil mainly comprises limestone, a sedimentary rock easily eroded by acidic water.

    The water percolates through the ground and dissolves the limestone when it rains. This process creates voids and caverns underground, and when these caverns become too large, the ground above them collapses, forming a sinkhole.

    2. How can you tell if your soil is stable enough to support a home or building foundation?

    The best way to examine if your soil is stable enough to support a home or building foundation is to have a professional engineer or geologist perform a stability assessment. This assessment will evaluate the soil composition, the water drainage, and the potential for sinkholes or other foundation problems.

    3. What solutions are available to homeowners and builders who need a stable foundation in Texas?

    Possible remedies to resolve sinkholes in Texas are:

    • Use fill dirt or concrete to stabilize the area around the sinkhole.
    • Install a drainage system to remove excess water from the site and reduce the risk of sinkholes forming.
    • Inject grout into the ground to fill voids and stabilize the soil.

    4. Which solution is the best for your specific needs – stabilization grouting, piles, or deep foundations?

    The answer to this question depends on the specific situation. 

    If the sinkhole is small and has not caused any damage to the structure, then filling it with dirt or concrete may be the best solution. 

    If the sinkhole is large or already damaged to the foundation, then stabilization grouting, piles, or deep foundations may be necessary.

    5. Is there anything you can do to prevent sinkholes from forming in the first place?

    When it comes to avoiding sinkholes, prevention can be your best option. Here are some tips:

    1. Avoid building on or near areas that are prone to sinkholes.
    2. Ensure that your property has proper drainage to avoid pooled water around the foundation.
    3. Have your property inspected by a qualified engineer if you suspect that there may be a problem with sinkholes.

    6. Where to find trusted professionals in Waco, TX?

    A possible remedy for avoiding sinkholes in Texas can begin with hiring professionals with decades of experience. We at Prime Asphalt, serving Waco, TX, have been providing our clients concrete pavement services for more than 50 years. We offer our customers the best value for their money. Build your foundations stronger with us. Request an estimate or contact us today!

    Drainage Tips For Road Upkeep On A Farm Or Ranch

    Drainage is key to maintaining farm or ranch roads. If water accumulates on the surface, it can damage the road and make it difficult to travel on. In this blog post, Prime Asphalt will discuss some tips for drainage that will help keep your road in good condition!

    These rural roads, often built of dirt or gravel, can soon become impassable if not regularly tended to and maintained. Water and snow are a severe threat to the condition of dirt or gravel farm and ranch roads.

    Tip 01: Grade the slope

    A road’s cross fall, or slope, ensures that water drains away from the surface.

    Sloping a road can be accomplished in two ways: by grading a crown in the center of the road, with cross falls on either side, or by constructing a road that slopes in just one direction.

    Out- or in-sloped roads are better suited for temporary applications and areas with 10% or fewer gradients. Crowned roads perform well in all circumstances and places, and they are easy to maintain.

    There are times when both sloping approaches are acceptable. On straight parts, a crowned slope with a 5 percent cross fall on both sides is recommended practice. 

    Tip 02: Clean the drainage ditches:

    Drainage ditches are common on farm roads where curbs are not used to channel water. Keeping the ditches and culverts open and clean is one of the most critical things you can do for your drainage. Debris can quickly accumulate in these locations and obstruct water movement. This can cause water to back up onto the road, causing it to deteriorate. If your ditch is clogged with debris, you may need someone to clear it.

    Check that roadside ditches have a U or flat bottom rather than a V-shaped bottom. Use a rock or plant lining to prevent erosion.

    Tip 03: Install a culvert

    If you live in a high-rainfall location, you should think about putting a culvert. A culvert is a pipeline that runs beneath the road and allows water to pass through. This can prevent water from accumulating and harming the farm and ranch roads.

    Unless you are an expert, use a professional to install culverts.

    Use energy dissipation, such as huge boulders downstream of the culvert’s exit, and a debris barrier, such as steel pipes or fence posts, upstream of the culvert’s mouth.

    Tip 04: Improve drainage around farms

    Farms can also cause problems with drainage. Ensure that gutters and downspouts are directed away from the farms and that any drains are clear of debris. 

    Prime Asphalt meets the paving demands of Waco, TX farmers with better technology, a skilled crew, and mobility. We use our workforce and exceptional technical expertise to provide adequate and timely solutions to pavement concerns. Our customers receive nothing but the best since we respond quickly to all inquiries! Request an estimate!

    Asphalt Paving And Concrete Tips For Industrial Facilities

    Industrial facilities have a lot of traffic. Your parking lot sees plenty of action between employees, customers, and delivery trucks.

    Potholes, cracks, and uneven surfaces are unsightly and create safety hazards. Not to mention the damage they may do to vehicles.

    That’s why it’s essential to choose a suitable paving material for your industrial facility. There are two commonly used materials for paving parking lots: asphalt and concrete. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

    Asphalt – The Popular Choice

    The superior flexibility and excellent waterproofing properties of asphalt make it the most popular choice for parking lots. It’s also much cheaper to install and relatively easy to repair than concrete.

    Asphalt has two main categories:

    Hot Mix Asphalt: It is mixed at high temperatures and is the most durable. High traffic areas like parking lots are usually paved with hot mix asphalt.

    Cold Mix Asphalt: Low traffic areas like residential driveways can be paved with this mix. It’s not as strong as hot mix asphalt, but it’s much easier to install.

    Concrete – The Long-Lasting Option:

    Concrete is a mixture of aggregate, water, and cement. It is an excellent option for areas that experience a lot of traffic. Highways, airports, bridge decks, and parking garages are all examples of places paved with concrete. Concrete is exceptionally durable and can last for decades with proper maintenance.

    Essential Asphalt and Concrete Tips:

    The process of laying asphalt is similar to concrete. The main difference is the composition of the mixture. The tips below will help you achieve a high-quality paving job:

    Preparation Tips:

    • Ensure the ground is adequately prepared before laying asphalt or concrete. It means removing any debris, trees, or roots that could interfere with the pavement.
    • The subgrade should be compacted to the proper degree. It will ensure a solid base for your pavement.
    • If you’re working in cold weather, ensure to warm the ground before starting. It will prevent the pavement from cracking.
    • You’ll also need to grade the area to slope away from any buildings or structures. It will help with drainage and prevent water from pooling on the pavement.

    Compaction Tips:

    • As you lay the material, compact it with a roller. It will help to dense the pavement and make it more durable.
    • Fill any large cracks and holes in the pavement before you start compacting. Otherwise, they will get bigger.

    Maintenance Tips:

    • It’s crucial to seal coat your asphalt pavement every few years to protect it from the elements.
    • Areas with a lot of snow should have asphalt pavement plowed and sanded regularly.
    • If you notice any cracks or potholes, be sure to have them repaired as soon as possible.

    Safety Tips:

    • When working with asphalt or concrete, wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from the fumes.
    • If you are using a power washer, you must wear ear protection.


    Hiring the right contractor for the job will ensure that your asphalt pavement or concrete is installed correctly.

    Prime Asphalt, serving Waco, TX, is your trusted pavement contractor. We offer concrete paving and asphalt repair services to ensure your pavement sees a long lifespan.

    Call us today for a free estimate!

    Evaluating The Cost-Effectiveness Of Tar And Chip Driveways

    When most people think about driveways, the first thing that comes to mind is asphalt. After all, it’s black, smooth, and relatively easy to maintain. However, many homeowners are now opting for tar & chip driveways instead.

    So, are tar and chip driveways worth the cost? Prime Asphalt will explore that question in detail in this blog post!

    So, whether you’re considering installing a new driveway or just curious about this paving style, keep reading to learn more!

    The Pros of Tar and Chip Driveway:

    Less Susceptible to Extreme Weather:

    One of the main advantages of a tar & chip driveway is that it’s less susceptible to damage from extreme weather conditions.

    The chips help protect the asphalt from UV rays and other elements. In addition, the chips can also provide traction in icy or snowy conditions.

    So, if you live in an area with harsh winters, a tar & chip driveway might be a good option.


    If you’re looking for an attractive and unique driveway, tar & chip is the way to go.

    The chips add texture and interest to the driveway’s surface, boosting your property’s curb appeal.


    One of the most significant benefits of tar & chip driveways is that they are much more cost-effective than asphalt or concrete driveways.

    The materials used to build a tar & chip driveway are much less expensive, and the installation process is typically quicker and easier.

    As a result, you can save a great amount of money by choosing tar & chip over other types of driveways.


    Tar & chip driveways are also quite durable. They can last for many years with proper care and maintenance.

    The chips help to protect the underlying tar from damage, and the driveway is less likely to crack or crumble over time.

    Low Maintenance:

    Tar & chip driveways are a great option for those who have limited time and energy. The simple task of sweeping or cleaning your property will keep it looking good without worry. And, if a chip does come loose, it’s easy to replace it without calling a professional. 

    The Cons of Tar and Chip Driveway:

    Tar and chip driveways can be an excellent investment for your property, but there are some potential drawbacks to consider.

    Repair Difficulty:

    Once a tar & chip driveway is installed, it can be challenging to repair if it sustains any damage. It’s not as simple as patching a hole in an asphalt driveway – you’ll need to hire a professional to make any repairs.


    Tar and chip driveways can be difficult to install. If you’re inexperienced in this type of work, we recommend hiring a professional to handle the installation for you.

    Slippery Surface:

    Another downside of tar & chip driveways is that they can be slippery when wet. They can become dangerous to walk on, and your car may have difficulty getting traction. This particular problem arises in the winter when ice and snow are present. If you reside in a place with a lot of rainfall, tar and chip might not be the best option.

    The Bottom Line

    We believe that tar and chip driveways offer excellent value for homeowners and businesses alike. Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX, is ready to serve you with their top-notch asphalt services.

    If you require tar and chip or asphalt services on your property, we can get you a free estimate and deliver premium quality results. So contact us today! 

    Asphalt Contracting Business Why HOAs Are A Goldmine!

    There is a reason why asphalt contracting businesses thrive in areas governed by Home Owner Associations (HOAs). HOAs provide an ideal ground for these businesses to flourish, as they have many regulations and rules.

    If you are considering starting an asphalt contracting business, or are simply curious about what makes them so successful, read on.

    In this blog post, Prime Asphalt will explore why HOAs are such a lucrative market for asphalt paving contractors.

    Benefits of living in an HOA Community:

    Stability in Housing Prices: Quality Standard Rules

    There are many benefits of living in an HOA-governed community, especially regarding pricing. For one, HOAs help keeps housing prices stable by ensuring that all homes in the community meet specific standards of quality and appearance.

    They typically have strict guidelines for what homeowners can and cannot do to the exterior of their homes. It includes painting, landscaping, and adding or removing structures.

    Well-maintained Neighborhood: Adherence to Guidelines

    HOA community maintains the neighborhood. Homeowners must adhere to the guidelines set forth by the HOA, which helps keep everyone’s property looking neat.

    However, some HOAs are more lenient than others when enforcing the rules. In general, HOAs do an excellent job of keeping neighborhoods looking nice.

    Enhancement in Curb Appeal: First Impressions Matters

    Curb Appeal is the most significant thing people notice when they drive by your house, and it can make or break a sale. Fortunately, HOAs typically have strict guidelines about what homeowners can and cannot do to their property to maintain a similar level of curb appeal.

    As a result, people are often willing to pay more money to live in a governed neighborhood by an HOA.

    How HOAs Help Your Asphalt Contracting Business:

    Upsell Your Service:

    HOAs strict guidelines provide an excellent opportunity to upsell your services. In addition, if the HOA has strict guidelines about the appearance of landscaping, you may be able to upsell your services by offering to maintain it.

    Increase Your Revenue:

    In addition to upselling your services, HOAs can also help you increase your revenue and improve the community’s appearance.

    Some HOAs will pay for the entire project upfront, so you will not worry about getting paid later. Early payment can be a great way to increase your revenue and grow your business.

    Improves References and PR:

    In addition to the financial benefits, working with HOAs can also help you improve your references and PR. They are always looking for reliable Asphalt contractors who will do a good job.

    If you can meet their needs, they will be more likely to give you positive reviews and recommend you to others.


    HOA’s typically have more money to spend than the average homeowner, and they are usually much more willing to approve large projects. They are a goldmine of potential business, and with the right approach, you can land some significant contracts.

    Prime Asphalt is happy to offer services to any HOA needing asphalt repair or installation in Waco, TX. So don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re interested in learning more. Get an estimate today.

    Hiring A Paving Contractor For Your HOA? Some Essential Considerations

    Homeowner associations (HOAs) have a lot of responsibilities, one of which is ensuring that the community’s roads are in good condition. This responsibility often falls on the HOA paving contractor. It is essential to know some of the essential considerations for hiring a contractor for an HOA.

    The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Paving Company 

    • When you hire a professional paving company, you can rest assured that they will use high-quality materials and provide expert workmanship.
    • A professional paving company can create a custom paving solution specifically designed for your property. They will consider the layout of your land, the amount of traffic you get, and your budget to create a pavement plan.
    • A professional paving company will work with you to ensure that your new pavement is installed correctly and will stand up to the wear and tear of daily use.

    What Should be Included in a Paving Contract with an HOA?

    When paving a common area for an HOA, it is vital to be clear about what is included in the contract.

    • If the HOA requires a particular type of pavement or a specific thickness, it should be noted in the contract.
    • In addition, the timeframe for the job should be specified and any deadlines that need to be met. 
    • Finally, the contract should include a price quote for the job. By being clear about what is included in the contract, you can help to ensure that the job is completed according to the HOA’s specifications.

    How to Avoid Common Problems with HOA Paving Projects?

    Any HOA board considering a paving project should be aware of potential pitfalls. 

    • One common problem with the pavement is poor drainage. If the pavement is not sloped correctly, water will pool on the surface and cause problems such as cracking and potholes.
    • Another issue is poor quality material. Be sure to inspect the paving materials before they are installed, and do not hesitate to reject any materials that do not meet your standards.
    • Finally, ensure that the paving contractor is licensed and insured. This will protect your HOA from any potential liability issues. 

    Who Is Responsible for Resolving Issues During Or After Completion of the Project?

    • The board is responsible for addressing any issues that may arise during the paving process.
    • If damages occur to the surrounding property, the board will work with the contractor to have the damages repaired. 
    • The board will work with the contractor to ensure that the project is completed on time without any delays.
    • The board will inspect the work to meet its standards. If there are any problems, the board will work with the contractor to resolve them.
    • In addition, the board will keep homeowners informed of the project’s status and address any concerns that they may have. The board and homeowners can ensure that the paving project succeeds by working together.

    Prime Asphalt serving Waco, TX, has been in business for many years, and our team has completed thousands of paving projects. We use only the highest quality materials, and our warranty backs our artistry. In addition, we offer a variety of services that we can customize to meet your specific needs. Request your estimate now!

    Installing Asphalt: The Practical, Cost-Effective Way To Improve Your Farm

    Can your farm save money by installing asphalt? You bet it can! Asphalt offers a host of practical benefits for farmers, but it can also help improve the overall appearance of your property.

    In this blog post, Prime Asphalt will look at how asphalt can benefit your farm and explore some of the other advantages of this type of pavement. So if you’re considering investing in asphalt, be sure to read on!

    What is Asphalt?

    Asphalt is a versatile material used for various purposes on the farm. For example, it can be installed as a driveway or road surface to improve traffic flow and optimize access to your property. Asphalt can also help create parking lots and turnaround areas, which can come in handy during busy times.

    Benefits of Asphalt Installation on Farms:

    There are several reasons why asphalt is an excellent choice for farms. Here are some of the key benefits:

    Boosts Fuel Economy:

    When you install asphalt, your farm vehicles will be able to travel faster and with less friction. Faster travel means that they’ll use less fuel, saving you money in the long run.

    Easier Maintenance:

    Unlike gravel or dirt roads, asphalt is a smooth surface that’s easy to keep clean. You’ll spend less energy and time keeping your farm roads in good condition when paved with asphalt.

    Reduces Noise Pollution:

    Asphalt roads are much quieter than dirt or gravel roads, which can be a blessing for you and your neighbors.

    Adds Value to Your Property:

    An asphalt road is an impressive sight, and it can add value to your property should you ever choose to sell.

    Can withstand Heavy Traffic Loads:

    Asphalt is tough and can withstand the weight of heavy vehicles without becoming damaged. Its resilience makes it the perfect choice for roads that see a lot of traffic.

    Asphalt Lasts Longer:

    Asphalt is a robust material that can last for several years with proper maintenance. Better durability means you’ll spend less time and money repairing your farm roads in the future.

    How to Install Asphalt on Farms?

    Now that you know some of the benefits of installing asphalt, let’s look at how to do it.

    • First of all, measure the area you want to pave. Once you acquire the measurements, you can use them to calculate the amount of asphalt needed for the project.
    • Once you have obtained your materials, it’s time to work! Begin by spreading the asphalt in the middle of the road. Spread it evenly using a shovel or rake, and then use a roller to compact it.
    • Once the asphalt is in place, you can begin paving the road. Start at one end and work your way down, making sure to press firmly on each piece of asphalt as you go.
    • In the end, add the finishing touches and use a blower or a broom to clean up the area and ensure it’s ready for use.


    If you’re looking for a practical, cost-effective way to improve your farm in Waco, TX, installing asphalt may be the answer. Prime Asphalt can help you get the job done right, and our team is happy to provide a free estimate so that you can learn more about what we can do for you. Contact us today to request an estimate!

    5 Reasons To Consider Swales For Your Farm’s Drainage

    Farms need to have an excellent drainage system to keep the ground from becoming waterlogged and ensure that crops have enough moisture. There are a few different types of drainage systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

    In this blog post, Prime Asphalt will discuss one option: swales.

    What is a swale?

    A swale is simply a shallow ditch dug next to a roadway or shoulder. The purpose of a swale is twofold: first, it collects and redirects water away from the road (or another paved area); and second, it helps filter out pollutants that may be carried by stormwater runoff.

    Swales are generally constructed using earth-moving equipment, and they are typically lined with vegetation (such as grass or sedges) to help stabilize the soil and prevent erosion. In some cases, swales may also collect and store water for irrigation or other purposes.

    Reasons Why Swales Are the Best Option

    1. First, swales are very effective at collecting and redirecting water. It is especially important on farms, where surfaces can create significant runoff during rain events. By redirecting this water away from the ground, swales help prevent erosion and minimize the risk of flooding.
    2. Second, swales help to recharge groundwater supplies. By intercepting runoff and redirecting it into the ground, swales allow water to percolate down into the soil, where it is stored in the rooting zone of plants. It helps keep the roots of plants healthy and provides a valuable water resource during periods of drought.
    3. Third, swales can create a habitat for beneficial insects and other wildlife. By providing water and shelter, swales can attract various beneficial species that can help pollinate crops or control pests.
    4. Fourth, swales can help to moderate temperatures. By intercepting and storing heat from the sun during the day, swales can help to keep areas cooler during hot summer days. It can be beneficial for both plants and animals.
    5. Finally, swales can help to control erosion. By intercepting runoff and directing it into the ground, swales can help reduce the amount of soil eroded from farm fields.

    Overall, swales are an incredibly versatile drainage channel that helps achieve various goals on the farm. When designed and implemented correctly, swales can provide many benefits with little to no negative impact. If you need a way to improve your farm’s productivity and sustainability, consider adding swales to your property. The difference they can make might surprise you!


    If you’re looking to install an efficient, environmentally friendly, and low-maintenance drainage system at your farm in Waco, TX, swales may be the perfect option. Contact Prime Asphalt and see how we can help keep your farm pavement free from water damage.

    Request an Estimate now!

    Gearing Up On Gravel: How To Build A Gravel Road?

    Like most people, the only time you’ve ever given any thought to gravel is when you needed to sweep it off your driveway. But what if we told you that gravel could be valuable for your home or business? It’s true! Gravel can be used in road building and maintenance, and the process is not as complicated as you might think!

    In this post by Prime Asphalt LLC, we’ll explain how to build a gravel road, and we’ll also share some tips and tricks you need to know! So read this before hiring an asphalt contractor for your road building and maintenance.

    How To Build A Gravel Road?

    1. Determine the width and length of your road. The width should be at least 6 feet, but it can be wider if you have the space. The length depends on how far you wish to go on the road!
    2. Mark the area where the road will be built. Using spray paint or stakes and string is a good idea to mark the boundaries.
    3. Grade the surface of the ground so that it’s leveled and smooth. This is important because the road will be uneven if the ground is uneven.
    4. Add a layer of gravel to the marked area, and spread it around with a rake until it’s evenly distributed. This layer should be about 4 inches thick.
    5. Use a compactor to compact the gravel. This will help to create a solid foundation for the road.
    6. Add another layer of gravel, and repeat steps 4 and 5. The second layer should be about 2 inches thick.
    7. Once you’ve added the second layer of gravel, you can start paving the road with asphalt. Start at one end and work your way to the other, using a tamper to compact the asphalt as you go.
    8. Finish up by adding lines or other markings to indicate which lane is for driving and which is for parking, if desired. Allow the asphalt to cure for 24 hours before driving on it.

    Building a gravel road is a relatively simple task for an asphalt contractor with essential equipment and experience. With proper planning and some elbow grease, you can have a new road in no time! Looking for a reliable and experienced asphalt paving company in Waco, TX? Look no further than Prime Asphalt LLC. We offer top-quality asphalt paving services for both residential and commercial properties. We do it all, from asphalt paving services to road building and maintenance! Our professional team dedicates itself to completing your project on time and within budget. Plus, we offer a wide range of paving services to choose from, so you can find the perfect option for your needs. Request your estimate now!

    Aesthetics In Suburban Paving Projects

    When homeowners consider paving their driveway or patio, they often look for something that is stylish and functional. You have many different materials to choose from, each with benefits and drawbacks. You can create a unique look for your suburban property and get the best of both worlds with swales in function and style.

    If you’re thinking about paving your driveway or patio, Prime Asphalt has the advice on making your property both stylish and functional in this blog post.

    Suburban paving refers to the process of paving a residential or commercial property. Many different materials can be used for suburban paving, but one of the most popular options is asphalt. The goal is to make it both attractive and functional.

    When it comes to paving your suburban property, there are many factors to consider.

    An important decision you need to make is whether or not to include swales in your design. Swales are a great way to add visual interest and functionality to your streetscape, and they can also help create a sense of community.

    Reasons to Include Swales in Your Suburban Paving

    If you’re not able to decide whether you should include swales in your project, the following reasons may convince you to give them a try:

    • Swales can add beauty and function to your streetscape.
    • Swales are a great way to add visual interest to your streetscape.
    • The combination of swales and ranch-style homes can produce an attractive and cohesive streetscape for suburban paving.
    • Swales are often used in landscaping to control stormwater runoff.
    • When paired with ranch homes, they create a rustic and refined look.
    • If you’re thinking of paving your neighborhood streets, consider using this pairing to create a unique and memorable look.
    • Swales can be used to define pedestrian walkways while also adding greenery and texture to the landscape. With their simple lines and natural materials, ranch homes provide a perfect backdrop for this type of landscape design.

    When planning your neighborhood paving project, be sure to consider the use of swales. It adds beauty to your streetscape while also creating a sense of community.

    At Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX, we specialize in designing beautiful and functional landscapes. Our team helps in creating a unique streetscape perfect for your neighborhood. We have years of experience designing and installing landscapes that incorporate swales, so you can be sure that your project will be aesthetic.

    Our team of experienced and top industry experts is aware of the latest pavement technologies and asphalt pavement maintenance. For your parking lot, driveway, commercial or industrial pavement, we provide high-quality asphalt and concrete paving, seal coating, tar & chip paving, and striping services at low cost. Road and parking lot upkeep and asphalt repairs are available at a reasonable price under our maintenance services.

    You can request your estimate now!

    Why Does My Driveway Get Damaged Too Often?

    Your driveway is one of the most important investments you can make for your home. It provides a place to park your car, serves as an entranceway, and adds curb appeal to your property. However, if your driveway is constantly damaged, there may be several underlying problems. So, what’s causing all the damage?

    In this blog post by Prime Asphalt, we’ll look at the most common causes:

    Poor Drainage

    If your driveway doesn’t have good drainage, water can pool on the surface and cause damage. In areas where it rains frequently, poor drainage can cause many problems. Make sure your driveway has a sloped surface so that water can drain away correctly.

    Heavy Traffic

    If heavy vehicles constantly use your driveway, it will likely wear down more quickly than a driveway that isn’t used as frequently. Try to limit the traffic volume on your driveway, mainly if it’s constructed using sturdy material.

    Low-Quality Material

    If your driveway is made of low-quality material, it will likely get damaged more easily. For example, if you have a gravel driveway and it’s not correctly maintained, the gravel will start to wear away and create potholes. You should always choose excellent material for your driveway. You also need to maintain it properly.

    Improper Installation

    If your driveway isn’t installed correctly, it could be prone to damage. Make sure you hire an experienced contractor to install your driveway so that it’s done correctly.

    Water Damage

    If your driveway is exposed to an excessive quantity of water, it could start to deteriorate. This is especially true if you have a concrete driveway and it’s not sealed correctly. Make sure you keep an eye on your driveway and take steps to protect it from water damage.


    Weather can also play a role in damaging your driveway. If it rains or snows a lot, the water can seep into the pavement and cause it to break down. Be sure to take care of your driveway during lousy weather.


    If you don’t take proper care of your driveway, it will eventually wear down. This is just a part of owning a driveway. However, you can extend the life of your driveway by doing things like sealing it every few years. By proper maintenance, you can extend its life by several years.

    Prime Asphalt is the premier paving company in Waco, TX. We provide high-quality asphalt and concrete paving, seal coating, tar & chip paving, and even striping services for your parking lot, driveway, or any other surface. We provide the finest services at affordable prices to our customers, and we offer free estimates so you can make the best decision for your needs. Contact us today to learn more about what we do!

    Things To Consider When Installing A Ranch Driveway

    A ranch driveway is a wide road for vehicles and other modes of transportation. The primary purpose of this type of driveway is to give you easy access to your property.

    Several factors should be considered when planning to install a ranch driveway to complete it successfully and efficiently.

    Prime Asphalt discusses a few essential factors to consider before digging or building the foundation for a ranch driveway.

    Locating Underground Utilities

    Utilities such as water, sewer, electric, and gas lines may lie under your proposed site for the new driveway or walkway. Before you begin any excavation, you should contact your local public utility district and ask for an underground facility location as well as a record of all lines in your area.

    Estimate the Space

    The design for a farm/ranch driveway should provide enough space to store your longest vehicles. A 25-foot return radius and 20-inch throat width are necessary to make sure that nothing gets caught on the edge when you’re driving off after loading up!

    Length will vary depending on house access points, hills or slopes, irrigation ditches, or any other site-specific considerations that affect how far the driveway extends.

    The Cost

    Farm-style driveways typically range from $6 per square foot in rural areas to $15 per square foot in suburban locations. How much you’ll pay depends on the soil composition, accessibility of materials, distance from quarries, and other site-specific considerations such as type of driveway, soil compaction, grading and excavation, drainage.

    Maintenance Requirements

    Although farm-style concrete driveways are less likely to crack or buckle than asphalt, they need regular maintenance. Driveway sealant should be applied every two to three years. Holes can be patched with concrete or an asphalt patching compound, but the driveway will need complete resurfacing if left unattended.

    Construction Methods

    Asphalt is one of the most widely used materials for farm-style driveway construction. It’s durable and easy to work with but requires regular maintenance and consistent settling, leading to cracks if not properly maintained.

    Another option is concrete – especially where durability is prioritized over ease of installation or lower costs.

    Prima Asphalt serving Waco, TX, has a staff that guarantees the timely completion of your paving project with top-notch quality and on budget. We are the number one choice for paving solutions in Texas, with more than 50 years of experience in the industry!

    Get in touch with us now to discover more about our paving solutions for farms and ranches, or request your estimate now!

    Adding Colors To Concrete Flatwork For A Landscaping Project

    Landscaping is a great way to improve the appearance of your property, and adding color to concrete flatwork is a creative way to enhance your landscaping project. It’s perhaps one of the most important aspects of any landscaping project. This will form the foundation for your project and needs to be done correctly to ensure a lasting finished product.

    There are many different colors that you can choose from, and depending on that, there are several ways to color concrete. It’s essential to select the right color for your landscaping project in Waco, TX.

    This blog post by Prime Asphalt discusses a few ways to add color to your concrete flatwork and give your landscaping project a boost!

    Concrete flatwork requires pouring concrete on horizontal surfaces to make it smooth and flat. It’s trendy since the material is strong and aesthetic. Property owners usually prefer concrete flatwork.

    How to Color Concrete?

    There are four different ways to color concrete:

    Staining concrete:

    The option to stain concrete is available for all types, including old and new concrete. Homeowners prefer natural earth-toned colors for a minimal look colored by staining. This is a permanent way to color concrete, and even in the outdoors, it doesn’t fade away.

    Colors included: terra cottas, tans, brownish shades.

    Coloring Concrete Integrally

    This method of coloring concrete is specific to newly poured concrete. It’s directly added to the concrete mix, so the color settles in before pouring concrete and doesn’t fade or wear off. If you want dark colors, this option may not be viable for you.

    Colors included: browns, tans, grays, subtle reds, subtle blues, and subtle greens.

    Color hardeners

    Color hardeners are used with stamped concrete and are recommended for dark, intense colors. The application process is not as simple as the other two; most contractors will not recommend doing this. The concrete colored with color hardeners becomes resistant and is not affected by moisture and chemicals. It can also damage plants in the surroundings, and the odor is strong.

    Colors included: Dark and intense shades like red, blue, etc.

    Dyeing Concrete

    Concrete dyes produce the most vibrant hues of all the other coloring methods. Because these dyes generate such vibrant colors on concrete, it’s a good idea to have a mock-up done by your contractor to ensure you’ll be happy with the end product because it’s irreversible. Think of your favorite team’s emblem on your basketball court as an example of how dyes are used to create complex designs.

    On the other hand, Dyes are not commonly used in outdoor applications since they are prone to fading in the sunshine. Whether you like the appearance of dyes, check with the maker to see if their product is UV stable and a sealer that will keep the color from the elements.

     Colors included: Red, orange, yellow, purple, blue, etc. Prime Asphalt offers guaranteed results to clients looking for concrete flatwork services in Waco, TX. Chat with us now or get an estimate to know more about our services!

    Flexible Pavement Failures: What Too Look For And How To Prevent Them

    If you’re a business owner, you can appreciate the essential role pavement plays on your property. Therefore, it’s vital to ensure that your pavement is in excellent condition because failure to do so can lead to several costly problems.

    This blog post will unearth different pavement failures in the flexible pavement, with valuable insight from our experts at Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX.

    Type 1: Subgrade Failure

    This pavement failure involves excessive deformation or movement of the subgrade. If left untreated, this can develop into severe structural problems with the pavement.

    The following are some of its causes:

    • Inadequate drainage
    • Too much stress application
    • Poor stability

    You can resolve this by ensuring that the subgrade is appropriately graded and compacted and installing adequate drainage systems.

    Type 2: Base Course Failure

    Next on our list is a base-course failure. Its causes include:

    • Insufficient strength
    • Poor quality control
    • Crushing of base course materials
    • Inadequate road drainage
    • Loss of binding action

    You can prevent base course failure by ensuring that the subgrade is appropriately graded and compacted and the drainage system is correctly installed. It’s also recommended that you use good-quality granular base materials that are crushed to the correct size.

    Type 3: Surface Failure

    This is also known as wearing course failure, where the surface layer of asphalt starts to wear out and exposes the aggregate. There are a few reasons this might arise, including:

    • Excessive loads from heavy traffic
    • Incorrect application thickness
    • Poor-quality materials
    • Improper compaction

    Again, prevention is critical. Make sure you use high-quality materials, compact the surface layer thoroughly, and install good drainage.

    Tips for Preventative Maintenance

    So now that you understand the types of pavement failures, it’s time to learn how to prevent them from happening. Here are some tips for a good maintenance program:

    • Perform regular inspections and remedial work quickly. It’s much easier and less expensive to repair minor issues than serious ones.
    • Keep your drainage systems well maintained.
    • Seal cracks and joints to prevent water from seeping in as soon as possible.
    • Remove snow, ice, leaves, and other debris that can trap moisture on the surface of your pavement.
    • Choose high-quality materials for repairs or construction projects so they last longer.

    Why Preventative Maintenance?

    If all these procedures sound like one big headache to you, think again! Neglected pavements promise a lot of trouble, not just for the pavement itself.

    Business Image

    If your pavement looks damaged and unkempt, it gives a terrible impression of your business to customers or tenants. Preventative maintenance preserves the appearance of the parking lot or roadway for years to come to retain existing clients and attract new ones.


    Regular maintenance also ensures that your pavement will serve you reliably for years. There will be fewer unexpected failures that can halt traffic or cost your business money. As a result, you can save money in the long run by investing in a well-maintained pavement.


    Neglected or damaged pavement can be dangerous! Protect pedestrians and your employees by ensuring that your pavement is in good condition.


    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of pavement maintenance? Relax! Prime Asphalt is in Waco, TX, to help. Our team of experienced professionals can handle everything for you, from initial inspection and design to construction and long-term maintenance.Request an estimate today!

    3 Tips On Extending Your Asphalt Pavement’s Lifespan

    Asphalt pavement is a popular choice for roadways and parking lots because it is durable, relatively inexpensive, and easy to maintain. Asphalt pavements’ lifespan can extend for many years if it is taken care of properly; you can take a few steps to extend its lifespan.

    This blog post by Prime Asphalt will discuss three tips that will help keep your asphalt pavement in Waco, TX, looking great for many years to come!

    Crack filling & Sealcoating

    Crack filling is the process of filling in cracks in the asphalt with a sealant. This prevents water from getting into the gaps and cracks, causing further damage.

    Seal coating is a protective layer applied over the asphalt to protect it from weathering and wear and tear.

    These processes should be carried out every two or three years, often if needed. By keeping your asphalt pavement well-maintained with crack-filling and seal coating, you can extend its lifespan by several years!

    Preventing Water damage

    The most common reason for pavement failure is water. Suppose you let the water stand for a long time and reach the sub-base. In that case, it will quickly break down the base course of your asphalt pavement and create cracks in it that must be fixed with asphalt patches – which can become outdated soon after installation due to chemical reactions between traffic pollution & heat exposure!

    A better option might include installing a drain system before any other repairs are done so this problem doesn’t resurface again later on down the line. Not only does this make traffic chaotic but also dangerous.

    Load Control

    Load control is something many property owners ignore when it comes to asphalt pavement. If you often have large, heavy vehicles like garbage trucks or delivery trucks on your asphalt pavement, it is essential to limit their access. These vehicles can damage pavement quickly if they drive over it too much.

    Restricting their access to the pavement can significantly impact the pavement’s lifespan. You can avoid this by placing the trash cans at the end of the pavement so the garbage trucks don’t have to pass through it.

    It’s necessary to take preventive measures to extend the life of an asphalt pavement. Regular crack filling and seal coating can have a profound effect on the lifespan of your pavement, and so does prevent water damage and load control.

    Prime Asphalt has been the top-rated paving contractor family-owned and operated in Waco, TX, the DFW area, Midland, TX, and the surrounding areas! We are fully licensed and insured to ensure the complete safety of each paving service.

    If you have any questions about asphalt pavement or would like to schedule maintenance, please give us a call or Request an Estimate!

    Why Winter Paving Is Possible, But Considered A Waste Of Money?

    Ever heard the saying, “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the second-best time is now?” Well, asphalt pavement is like that. The asphalt plants are open for business year-round, but you shouldn’t plan for asphalt installation in the winter. It’s not worth it! You might not know that asphalt paving can be more expensive during winter than convenience. The following post by Prime Asphalt discusses why asphalt pavement installation isn’t always feasible or cost-effective during the cold months.

    The Basic

    It’s not a good idea to pave in the winter since asphalt paving uses hot-mix asphalt, which must be heated before applying. Hot-mix asphalt must be kept hot throughout compaction and performance to compact appropriately. If the ambient and ground temperatures are too low, they will chill the hot-mix asphalt during transportation from the manufacturing plant to your home.

    The Ground Itself

    When sidewalks and driveways are installed in winter, a lot can go wrong before asphalt touches the ground! For the pavement to be laid down properly, contractors will need to wait until soil moisture levels drop below a certain point – usually around six percent. If they don’t do this, it could result in a poor surface or sink from lack of stability.

    The Sinking Problem

    The ground naturally contracts and expands depending on temperature levels throughout the year. During colder months, the soil will shrink as things freeze up – including water within its structure! If there isn’t enough moisture to bind it together, the surface beneath your driveway or sidewalk may sink before asphalt is laid over it. You just invested money and time to fix that won’t last the winter.

    It’s Possible, But Not Worth It

    There is a way to pave during wintertime, but it’s expensive and not worth it unless your driveway is in extreme distress. You’ll need to excavate the area, lay a drainage system, and then put down a layer of sand before the asphalt can be installed. This process takes weeks longer than regular paving, so you’re looking at a total project time of around four months.

    Homeowners looking to avoid the messy work of paving may not like this option, but it may be the only choice if you have an urgent need.

    In Short

    While it is possible to pave during winter, it’s not recommended unless your driveway is in terrible shape. Save yourself some money (and hassle) and wait until spring!

    If you’re considering having your driveway paved during winter, make sure you speak with an experienced professional from Prime Asphalt, serving Waco, TX, first! They will help assess your property and determine if paving is even an option at this time of year. And if it is – they’ll know how to do it. Request an estimate.

    Planning Your Parking Lot Budget? Here Are A Few Things To Consider

    Running a business is a difficult job. You have to provide your customers with top-of-the-line products and services, and you have to address their grievances promptly. Moreover, your business image is vital to your brand, more than the logo in branding material, including your website and various social media platforms. Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX stresses that you need to make sure your ambiance, front elevation, and curb appeal are in top condition.

    The parking lot is a crucial component of your commercial property. It is where the clients, business partners, vendors, and other external actors pull over. A parking lot with cracks and potholes is out of the question. You need one that is flawless in every way. If you plan a parking lot on your commercial property, the first thing you need to consider is the budget. If you are having a hard time allocating the budget, here are a few things you should be aware of.

    Identify the Maintenance Needs

    As simple as it seems, pavement maintenance requires ongoing effort. There is a long list of things that can happen to your parking lot, which can completely blemish the look, thus destroying the overall image of your commercial property. Sometimes there will be rutting, while occasionally, you will notice cracks. Sometimes there are evident signs of weathering, while sometimes, there could be any other form of deterioration. If you cannot identify the needed improvement, it is better to assign the task to asphalt paving maintenance professional.

    Define All Parameters

    It isn’t easy to stay on budget for pavement maintenance. One of the reasons for this dilemma is that most people aren’t aware of the underlying intricacies of a paving project. It is better to seek help from a professional asphalt paving contractor. Here are some of the considerations for a paving project.

    • Location and the limitations of the project.
    • Structures.
    • Drainage.
    • Traffic.
    • Utilities and access.

    Selecting the Right Contractor

    Now, this is a tough one. There are several paving contractors in the marketplace. It is challenging to identify the right one for the project. Here are a few tips you need to follow.

    • Do your research.
    • Shortlist a couple of contractors.
    • Make sure to visit their workplace and observe the tiniest details about them.
    • Ask them to share information regarding past projects.
    • If possible, try to get in touch with their past clients.
    • Don’t rely too much on online reviews, as some come from competitors.
    • Ask them about their rates and steer clear of those that charge too high or too low.

    Are you searching for a professional asphalt paving contractor in Waco, TX? Your search ends here. Prime Asphalt provides high-quality paving services at affordable rates.

    5 Tips On Sealing Your Asphalt’s Cracks In Waco during winter

    When it gets too cold, like in January that we expect in Dallas, things just freeze, contract, crack and crumble. Of course, we’re talking about asphalt pavement. Asphalt is the most durable paving material out there, but we confuse that with indestructibility, leading to skipped maintenance runs on our asphalt surfaces. No TLC, and your asphalt driveway will literally start to sulk (It’s called asphalt slippage and poor paving!).

    Conventionally, crack filling is best applied to active & wide cracks, during late summer or in the fall. If an asphalt paving contractor is experienced enough, they can also take on a winter crack filling job. That is why you’re getting these tips from the best contractor in town, Prime Asphalt!

    Tip #1: Route Your Cracks

    Clean the cracks wider than 1/4th-inch using a blower, then bring in the crack router. This piece of equipment looks like a boxed lawnmower with a groove cutter on its underside to give the cracks a smooth surface area. Use the blower again to dust off the debris. It helps with adhesion later.

    Tip #2: Coarse Sand Filling

    If the crack is deeper than wide, route as is standard and pack the base with some coarse sand. The trick keeps the molten crack filler in the grooved basin without leaking into the crack. It also helps add strength to the crack base.

    Tip #3: Regulate the Temperature

    You either have a crack filler Melter or a direct-fire heater. Whatever the case be, once the crack filler (rubberized in this case) has melted & reached up to 350F, turn off the temperature regulator. If you skip this step, the molten rubber will start to crystalize, which is why your winter crack filling fails horribly.

    Tip #4: Blow Torch & Squeegee

    These tools make crack filling fun. Any valve feed blocks or spills over your crack filler Melter can be easily fixed with a blow torch. The squeegee performs the function of scooping and leveling puddles of filler.

    Tip #5: Choose the Right Filler

    The trick is to know what filler to apply where. Liquid crack fillers are okay for small-scale residential driveway crack fixing. The direct-fire rubberized crack filler is the most widespread in use. It’s ideal for airport tarmac, parking lots, racing blacktops, & industrial pavement. The third kind is the oil-jacketed crack filler used by municipalities for longitudinal cracks running for miles.

    Bonus #: The Conga Line Method

    This is another time-saving technique the experts apply in winters when the job needs to be done fast to allow for daylight warmth for crack filler curing. The router operator leads the procession with the leaf blower in tow, followed by the sand layer & crack filling. After a while comes the blotting layer using talcum powder, lime, sand, or pulverized limestone. Blotters are needed to avoid filler tracking under vehicles.

    If you have some expanding cracks on your Dallas pavement, parking lot, or driveway, and you wish them repaired this winter. All you need to do is get in touch with Prime Asphalt in Texas, and request a free estimate.

    3 Benefits Of Using Air-Entrained Concrete For Sidewalks In Winter: A Comprehensive Guide

    During the winter, there can be a lot of snow and ice buildup on roads and sidewalks. With the ground frozen over and snow piling up on sidewalks, it can be difficult for pedestrians to navigate their way around town without slipping and falling on icy patches. Air-entrained concrete can be a solution to this problem. 

    This blog post discusses the benefits of using air-entrained concrete to show why you should be using it for your sidewalks during the winter!

    What is Air-Entrained Concrete?

    Air-entrained concrete is resistant to freeze-thaw cycles during the winter season, thanks to the numerous air bubbles in the concrete mix. These air bubbles allow for a cushioning effect when the concrete freezes and thaws, making sure your sidewalks remain safe for use throughout the year and preventing them from inflating during winters!

    Professional contractors like Prime Asphalt recommend using air-entrained concrete due to its various benefits.

    Benefits of Using Air-Entrained Concrete


    Contractors usually characterize concrete in terms of its workability. The term identifies how easy it is to pour and place concrete on a construction site. Air-entrained concrete is more workable than traditional concrete because it consists of tiny air bubbles that make the mixture more lightweight and easier to manipulate.

    Building sidewalks out of this material means you will have no problem putting them into place, regardless of how cold or hot the weather gets!

    Water Resistance

    Water is the Achilles heel of concrete sidewalks. It can severely damage the sidewalk’s structural integrity when it freezes and then thaws, causing cracks to form in the concrete.

    Air-entrained concrete is specifically designed to prevent water from seeping into the surface pores during construction, meaning you don’t have to worry about your sidewalks cracking when winter comes! The density of air bubbles in the concrete sidewalk gives freezing water enough space to expand safely.


    Segregation is an unwanted phenomenon that occurs once you pour concrete in place. The process involves the downward movement of the heavier concrete particles to the bottom of the slab. The movement of heavier particles displaces water to the surface, weakening the concrete.

    When air-entrained concrete is used, you can easily prevent segregation. The presence of air bubbles means no heavy particles to move down and weaken the slab.

    The presence of water bubbles means that air is evenly distributed through the entire slab, allowing concrete to expand and contract as needed. This leads to longer-lasting, better-quality sidewalks that won’t crack or deteriorate prematurely. Segregation can lead to crack formation within a sidewalk, which is dangerous because it allows water and moisture into the slab compromising its strength and durability. This means that you will have to replace your sidewalk sooner than expected, resulting in additional repair/replacement work costs.

    Experts at Prime Asphalt recommend using the air-entrained concrete sidewalk for the winter season in Waco, TX. Request an estimate now, and our experts will visit your property to install the pavement. We offer a dedicated service and ensure that your pavement survives the winter challenge that lies ahead with flying colors. Whether you require parking lot maintenance or asphalt repairs, you can count on us for quality service.

    What You Need To Know About Concrete Projects In Winter

    Harsh winter weather is the bane of every home improvement project, but it’s especially frustrating for those planning to work with concrete. Concrete can be difficult enough to work with under perfect conditions; when the temperature dips below freezing and snow start falling, you’re in for a rough time.

    If you’re wondering how to go about constructing an outdoor patio or driveway during the winter months in Waco, TX, there are some essential things that you need to know before starting on your concrete project.

    1. Frost Heaving

    The ground will likely shift during subfreezing temperatures because water expands as it freezes. If the ground beneath your concrete is shifting, it can cause large cracks and other structural damage to your patio or driveway.

    Frost heaving should be expected during winter, so plan for additional expansion joints in order to prevent severe problems with how well your new outdoor living space holds up over time.

    2. Weather Conditions

    Other weather conditions can also hinder your ability to work with concrete in winter properly.

    You should try and avoid working outside when there is a lot of wind or rain because these harsh weather elements could affect the quality of your finished product.

    In addition, you will need more time for projects during this season, so plan accordingly by adding additional time for your project during the winter.

    3. Preparation

    When working with concrete outside in the winter, you will need to take extra precautions when getting prepared for your project.

    You should double-check that all of your tools are properly stored away, so they do not get damaged by snow or rain due to being left out during this season.

    In addition, be sure to have a shovel and broom nearby to clear any excess debris from your project area, so you do not slip on ice or snow.

    4. Pouring

    When pouring concrete in the winter, you will want to ensure it is done at a slow and steady pace.

    If poured too quickly, then there is a higher chance of air pockets forming, which can lead to your material cracking once it has thoroughly dried. You should be aware that cold temperatures could also lead to the material getting too stiff and dry, which can cause it not to adhere together effectively.

    5. Longer Curing Time

    Concrete takes a significantly longer time to cure when the temperature drops below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. This can be frustrating if you’re trying to complete your project as quickly as possible, but it’s also crucial for ensuring that your concrete will last through winter and beyond.

    If you are looking for a concrete contractor in Waco, TX, look no further than Prime Asphalt. We specialize in everything from asphalt paving to concrete paving, including sidewalks and parking lots. And with our variety of services, we can take care of any size job or paving project that may come up.

    Whether it’s residential work or commercial projects, we’re ready so call us today! We also offer free estimates!

    5 Safety Tips To Observe During An Industrial Paving Project

    Due to industrial pavement’s intense load-bearing requirement, concrete is exclusively used for achieving that purpose. Industrial pavement is very different from your average jointed concrete pavement and asphalt roads. Industrial areas comprise cargo bays, parking lots, warehouses, & machine-intensive shop floors, so there is a lot of activity going about and much to account for as far as safety is concerned.

    Industrial pavement entails heavy equipment and professional paving teams, which is why they also form hazardous job sites. Fort Worth is renowned for its oil & gas, aviation, & aerospace industries, and it’s our specialty to cater to such high load-bearing requirements of industrial pavement.

    Here is how we best observe safety, so your pavement comes out super-strong!

    1. Exit & Entering Equipment Improperly Can Make or Break You

    Most industrial paving site accidents occur because the operator mounted/dismounted the heavy vehicle improperly and came under it or struck a piece of construction equipment and fell onto another. Avoid loose gloves, muddy boots, & erratic equipment mounting/dismounting. Adopt the ‘three-point contact’ stance when getting into the vehicle. Be it a dump truck, a roller, a concrete mixer, or a forklift, get in and get out of these vehicles carefully.

    2. Discourage Crowding About Operating Equipment

    People have died from getting crushed under a compacting roller because they wouldn’t keep their safe distance. Industrial paving employs a lot of moving machinery mounted on equally mobile equipment. Forklifts can impale, dump trucks can bury site workers, concrete mixers are a death trap, and power tools can become an electrocution. Our foremen are well versed in directing operators & on-lookers from getting into active worksite paths.

    3. Account For All Utilities Overhead & Underground

    Utility lines are all around and beneath industrial areas. When paving on industrial premises, thoroughly account for all utilities and have them marked. Any shallow utilities get marked by an offset marker. Since prefab concrete slabs are ideal for industrial pavement, their jointing process makes them a hazard for shallow utilities hence the caution for locating underground utilities. The cranes need to be on the lookout for overhead utilities.

    4. Use a Spotter When Maneuvering Heavy Equipment

    Never be the lone man securing loads to a heavy vehicle. Use spotters to level equipment, balance loads, or even park into docking bays with paving material to be delivered. Observe docking SOPs as your life depends on them.

    5. Ensure Jobsite Security

    Secure your worksite from burglary. Paving construction sites are unfortunately prone to theft of tools and raw materials, just as these sites are prone to causing accidents for operators on site. Secure both security & safety. Two birds, one stone!

    If you are on the lookout for some asphalt maintenance on your industrial turf, a few repairs maybe, or require an industrial-grade pavement that can withstand immense loads without a dent, Prime Asphalt is your choice of a professional paving contractor. We boast over two decades of experience in the field, and our projects successfully span residential, commercial, and industrial projects.

    Please give us a holler for our free service quotes in Waco, TX, and be awed by our reliable & extensive offerings built to your budgets!

    5 Tips On What To Consider In A Winter Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Plan

    As winter approaches, it is essential to plan for the winter season. Pavement maintenance is one of the most important considerations that you should take into account. Many different techniques can be used to prepare your commercial parking lot for winter weather conditions. This blog post will discuss what to consider when developing your pavement maintenance plan.

    1) Remove All Debris from Your Pavement’s Surface

    It’s important to remove all debris from your pavement’s surface. Although winter has its own set of challenges that need attention when preparing for the snow and ice season ahead, you can avoid many problems by following this simple step. If large amounts of material are left on top of your asphalt during winter storms, they will bond together and damage your pavement. When winter is over, you will need to do an asphalt restoration project at a high cost. So, remove all debris from your pavement’s surface that might end up damaging your pavement during the winter season.

    2) Fix Cracks Immediately

    It is advisable to examine your asphalt surface to identify any cracks in the pavement, which may have developed due to stress from traffic and other factors. Fix these immediately before winter sets in so that they won’t be a problem during colder months when water seeps into them, causing more harm.

    3) Sealcoat Your Pavement

    During the winter months, your asphalt pavement will naturally start to cool down and contract. However, sealing the surface of your road before winter is important because it helps protect both the integrity of the pavement and prevent any moisture from seeping into cracks or joints in between layers. You must ensure that the temperature is at least 50 degrees or higher on the day of the sealcoating. If the temperature drops below this, you should wait until the temperature is right.

    4) Check if Water is Pooling

    As winter approaches, you should monitor the conditions of your asphalt pavement. You want to ensure that there isn’t excess water pooling on top that will freeze and cause cracking when the temperature drops below freezing again. Furthermore, pooling water is an indication that there is a problem with the drainage in your asphalt surface, which can be a major problem and lead to expensive damage.

    5) Repair Potholes

    Potholes not only make an asphalt surface look ugly, but they can also damage cars and injure pedestrians. Look for potholes and fix them immediately, so you don’t have to deal with bigger, more costly repairs later. Repairs will cost you less than resurfacing and reconstructing the entire driveway or parking lot.

    When deciding on an asphalt pavement maintenance plan for the winter season, it’s important to consider all the variables. Asphalt is a durable material that can withstand even extreme conditions like snow and ice – but only if you have maintained it throughout the year. At Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX, our experts are ready to help you with your asphalt paving needs. We offer free estimates on asphalt repairsparking lot maintenance, road maintenance, and more, so don’t hesitate to contact us today!

    5 Questions and Answered About Parking Lot Maintenance

    The parking lot is one of the most critical parts of your commercial property. What happens to it will significantly impact how people view your company and its products/services. Unfortunately, many parking lots quickly become worn out and cracked because the owners just don’t know how to maintain them. This blog post will answer some FAQs about parking lot maintenance so you can ensure that your parking lot stays in top shape.

    1) How Often Should You Sweep Parking Lots?

    It depends on the parking lot size and usage. We recommend sweeping your parking lot once a month, but if you have heavy vehicles or many vehicles entering/exiting parking lots daily, we would suggest more frequent sweeping (possibly even multiple times a month). If you do not sweep, there will be dirt build-up, damaging the parking lot and causing hazards for drivers. Plus, cleaning your parking lot helps you examine the condition of your asphalt surface and pinpoint any potholes or cracks that need to be filled.

    2) What Should I Do If I See Cracks in My Parking Lot?

    Since parking lots are used so frequently and by many vehicles, there will always be risks of cracks in the parking lot. Cracks can lead to a number of problems, such as water seepage that damages asphalt over time. If you see any cracks, immediately contact your parking lot maintenance company for asphalt crack repairs. The parking lot maintenance company will fill any cracks and seal them so water cannot penetrate the surface.

    3) Why is Water Standing in My Parking Lot and What Should I do About it?

    If water is standing in your parking lot, it could be from several different sources. Over time, parking lots can develop puddles as a result of poor drainage or cracks forming in the pavement. If you see this occurring, contact a parking lot maintenance company immediately for help because they will have access to the tools and equipment needed to fix any parking lot drainage issues.

    4) How Can My Parking Lot Increase the Curb Appeal of My Property?

    Line striping is how parking lot maintenance companies increase the curb appeal of parking lots and commercial properties. Not only does it add beauty to any parking lot, but it also makes parking spots easier for people to find in a busy parking lot. Curb appeal is fundamental when attracting new customers or tenants, so parking lines should be one of your top priorities during parking lot maintenance.

    Line striping is one of the most affordable parking lot maintenance services so you should definitely consider it. Not only does line striping make spaces more visible, but it also increases safety for drivers and pedestrians who are walking on or near busy parking lots.

    5) What Can I Do to Increase the Lifespan of My Parking Lot?

    Sealcoating is one of the most cost-effective parking lot maintenance services out there and it plays a major role in extending the lifespan of your parking lot. Sealcoating protects your pavement from elements such as water, UV rays, etc. and also restores its beautiful shine. If you require parking lot maintenance services in Waco, TX, Prime Asphalt is here for you. We offer reliable solutions to restore your pavement, improve your curb appeal and attract more customers. Request a free estimate for our service today!

    6 Great Tips For Selecting The Right Asphalt Contractor For Your Industrial Property

    Choosing the right industrial paving contractor can be a daunting task. There are many things to consider when choosing one, and the process can seem overwhelming at times.

    Fortunately for you, we have compiled six tips that will help you select the ideal industrial paving company for your industrial property! Here they are:

    1. Consider Their Experience in Industrial Properties

    Ask them if they have any experience working on industrial properties? How many years of experience do they have? What types of industrial projects have they completed in the past three years? These questions should all be considered before hiring anyone.

    2. Ask About Pricing

    Be sure to ask about pricing before signing anything with them. The contractor may give you an estimate over the phone or email, but you should ask for an official quote before signing anything.

    3. Be Sure to Check References

    Once you’ve narrowed down a few contractors based on their pricing and experience, you should check with past industrial customers to see how they handled the job. Don’t just ask for a reference either – be sure to call that person up and discuss their experiences with this contractor.

    This will give you an idea of what kind of quality control they have and if their communication skills are good or not from the beginning.

    4. Get Details on the Job

    Another critical thing to know when selecting an industrial asphalt contractor is whether or not they will be able to give you details about their plans for your job. This isn’t just good information for budgeting purposes, but it’s also helpful in knowing if this company will truly understand what you need.

    If the industrial asphalt contractor is only giving you vague or high-level concepts of what they plan to do, that’s a red flag.

    5. Know the Right Questions to Ask

    Another critical thing is that you should have a set of questions ready for them. You don’t want to be caught off-guard by anything. Ask your industrial contractor:

    • What have been some of your successful projects in the past?
    • How long does it usually take to complete a project like this?

    You want to hire a contractor who can confidently answer your questions and concerns.

    6. Ask About License & Insurance

    You will want someone who has the proper licensing and insurance to get the job done professionally. You cannot skimp on this, especially if you need a permit for your industrial property paving project. Not only will you be putting yourself at risk, but also everyone around you.

    If you need a company that offers expert industrial paving services in Waco, TX, look no further than Prime Asphalt. Our team comprises of industrial paving contractors who are licensed and insured, so you can be confident knowing that your project is in the hands of professionals.

    We have over 60 years of experience providing quality services to our customers at affordable prices with fast turnaround times. Schedule an appointment today!

    3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs An Asphalt Repair Maintenance Plan

    Asphalt is a popular choice for both commercial and residential pavement. However, it is prone to deterioration over time, even with regular maintenance. This means you’ll need to replace the old asphalt with the new surface at some point.

    Delaying the inevitable asphalt repair is a tactical error that can cost a significant sum to your business down the line. You can avoid the extra repair costs by scheduling routine maintenance. An asphalt repair maintenance plan is an excellent way to ensure your business keeps a quality surface without breaking the bank! Here are some reasons why you should make regular asphalt maintenance a part of your business strategy.

    1) Parking Lot Maintenance Impacts Your Business

    A neat and well-maintained asphalt surface is a crucial part of your customers’ overall impression when they visit you. They want to see a parking lot that looks well-maintained, safe, and free from debris so they can feel comfortable driving on it.

    Many customers avoid visiting a business establishment with an unkempt parking lot. A well-maintained parking lot is more inviting and reflects positively on the business.

    Cracks and potholes can give your business a bad name as customers move on to your competitors’ places. If your parking lot appears to be unsafe, customers will avoid visiting your establishment! Don’t let this happen to you – make asphalt maintenance a critical part of your overall strategy today! A professional pavement contractor like Prime Asphalt can help you by handling regular maintenance tasks.

    2) Helps You Avoid Frequent Repair Costs

    Asphalt is a material that requires regular maintenance to stay in good condition. If you leave your asphalt cracks unattended, they will grow bigger and more prominent over time – this can lead to expensive repairs down the line! Investing in an asphalt repair plan means avoiding costly future projects while saving money today.

    Several factors contribute to how quickly pavement deteriorates depending on climate conditions. In hotter regions with heavy traffic load, pavement tends to wear out faster than it would in a cooler area with sparse traffic flow. Your maintenance plan should be in light of the external conditions and factors as they play a crucial role in determining your parking lot’s durability.

    3) Increases Safety Levels

    A well-maintained parking lot increases safety levels in addition to customer satisfaction. A clean and well-maintained parking lot is less likely to cause skidding accidents. It can also increase visibility, preventing collisions between cars, pedestrians, or cyclists.

    A good maintenance plan keeps your pavement safe for drivers as it reduces slippery surfaces during wet weather. A dirty parking lot with potholes or cracks not covered by a spot sealer increases potential hazards that could lead to severe injuries if not addressed immediately. If you don’t have such a plan yet, developing one will benefit both your business interests as well as those who use your facility on an everyday basis!

    You can count on Prime Asphalt for parking lot maintenance and repair in Midland, TX. We also offer asphalt and concrete paving services to our customers, providing them with a wide variety of services. Request an estimate now and get your parking lot in shape.

    How To Know If Your Sealcoating Contractor Is The Real Deal

    Sealcoating protects asphalt surfaces from water damage and the elements and gives your property an attractive appearance. Sealcoating also helps to extend the life of your pavement and saves you a lot of money on repairs. However, to get the best results you need to ensure you hire the right contractor!

    This blog post lists some questions you can ask your sealcoating contractor in order to determine if they are a true professional.

    Do They Thoroughly Clean the Surface First?

    Sealcoating contractors should always clean the surface before sealcoating. If your sealcoating contractor does not want to scrub away all of the contaminants, then this is an indication that you should find another.

    A sealcoating professional will always advise you to clean the surface first because it is a part of their sealcoating process. They know that if there are contaminants on the road, the sealer may not stick properly and could wear away fast.

    Will They Fill the Cracks Before Sealcoating?

    Most sealcoating contractors will fill the cracks before sealcoating. This is a key to knowing if they are professional sealcoat contractors because it shows that your contractor knows what he is doing and takes his job seriously. A true professional will take care of these small details before starting the project so that the sealcoat is applied correctly.

    Ask If They Have the Right Application Tools for the Job

    You should also ask if they have sealcoating application tools. A professional sealcoat contractor will always have these necessary items because he knows how important it is to apply sealer correctly, and that includes having the right sealcoating equipment for your project. You want a sealcoating company that uses high-quality materials, to ensure the sealer will last for years.

    Ask if they Prefer Any Specific Weather Conditions for Sealcoating

    You also want to ask if they prefer sealcoating in certain weather conditions. While some sealcoat contractors can do the job regardless of the outdoor temperature, others recommend sealcoating only when it is hot outside and above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. They may even refuse to sealcoat during the winter months because they know that condensation could form on your sealcoat when it is not hot enough. If your sealcoating contractor says they only sealcoat in the summer months, this is a sign that they are professional and have experience.

    Ask if they can Share the Contact Details of Previous Clients

    If your sealcoating contractor has been in business for a while, then they should be able to provide references that you can contact. If their work is of high quality, they will be happy to provide references who will recommend their work. If the contractor seems hesitant to provide references, this is a red alert!

    It is essential to know who you are hiring for a sealcoating project and the quality of the work they provide. We want our customers in Waco, TX, to be confident that we will deliver high-quality services at affordable prices. This means we always offer free estimates, so there are no surprises at the end of the project. Prime Asphalt can help with road maintenanceparking lot maintenance, or any other kinds of asphalt repairs. Feel free to contact us today.

    Contractors’ Stratagem: How To Build Trust With HOAs For Asphalt Projects

    Homeowner associations tend to be tightly knit groups, with conformity, curb appeal, and reputation as the primary focus of their community. Upholding these values keeps the property prices at a premium while allowing for communal amenities and benefits for which all the HOA members pay a periodic fee.

    HOAs also tend to be conservative and may hire repeat services from trusted businesses that enhance their image. Like all things, residential and commercial, HOA elements also tend to deteriorate and require maintenance. Pavement and asphalt are crucial to a buyers’ first impression when visiting an HOA; hence, a reliable asphalt maintenance contractor is hired and retained for the asphalt upkeep.

    The question remains: If you’re a contractor trying to win over an HOA, how should you get in their good graces and win a bid?

    Simple! Follow the cascade of advice we have compiled for you.

    Study the Community: 

    It looks odd to show up to an HOA in a repair vehicle and try cold-calling your way into a contract. Get in touch with an HOA member, go scouting for the state of their pavement, and only then approach the community association management for approval and introduction to the HOA Board. This will make a positive impression on the board concerning your work ethic.

    Validate Qualifications: 

    Every contractor should know their aptitude before presenting a proposal. If your firm has no insurance, financing, worker’s compensation, proper equipment, or a professional attitude, you are merely black-listing yourself from every HOA in Waco, TX. And that’s not it; you still need referrals & a portfolio of successful projects to woo the board into awarding a bid.

    Focus on the Right HOA: 

    Often, small contractors underestimate their abilities to perform and underbid a repair job to get on well with high-profile HOAs. Always ensure you have the personnel to perform the services and are earning equitably. Condo communities usually are the best grounds to gain experience for new asphalt repair firms.

    Research is Key:

    When your target is a high-profile HOA, scout their area for pavement damage, visit their dedicated website, and contact the HOA’s Management. If the HOA has an information page, there will be a letter by the management company there that can give you contact information. As a last resort, you can talk to someone in the community regarding who manages their community. Never venture into HOA territory without having a general idea of the residential standards or it may seem you are bluffing.

    Stay In Touch: 

    Whether you won the bid or could not because of various circumstances, show your unwavering interest & eager attitude to help out. It is imperative that you stay in touch with the community and never give up on any opportunities to propose a project as you might eventually land the bid. This also helps market your brand to other communities as the manager has your contact details to share among different communities.

    At Prime Asphalt, we follow this advice too when setting off in newer HOA territories for our projects. If you happen to be a member of an HOA in Waco, TX, and notice your asphalt is deteriorating, you can refer us to the higher-ups on the HOA Board to review our extensive asphalt pavement services. We provide free estimates and top-notch services, so do not miss out!

    We follow safety precautions to the dot and never slacken in our services!

    The 8 Point Rancher’s Guide To A Well-Kept Road

    The most roughed-up roads on a farm are probably the ranch driveways and the access roads. The sheer force of heavy vehicle after vehicle and the occasional crossing of ranch animals can make any good pavement look like it’s done a few tours in service. While construction of a road tends to be the central focus, pavement maintenance counts too!

    The average ranch road is designed to be strong over stable soil and with the strength to bear traffic loads the likes of a marching armored cavalry. Repairs to damaged pavement have to be prompt since any of these vehicles could topple over a pothole and cause harm to people and transported farm animals.

    Here are some robust ideas on how to keep your ranch’s pavement looking dandy all year round!

    1. Avoiding a stronger pavement in favor of dirt and gravel roads is a grave mistake if you have farm vehicles, people, and clients coming over to your farm. It’s best to upgrade to either asphalt or concrete, focusing on installing road culverts and drains.
    2. Water is the bane of solid pavement. Provided the pavement was built with considerations to surface drainage, it wouldn’t hurt to regularly check up on the drain grates, especially in rainy weather, to ensure the grates are open. While you’re at it, do check for the state of the trenches as well.
    3. Never skip on seal coating your pavement as this prevents and protects from water damage. If the road starts to form potholes, hire a capable and accredited paving repair contractor to patch the route according to the seasonal requirement (hot or cold patch mix).
    4. Weeds, bushes, and even trees can encroach on less-used access roads. The best way is to trim the bushes and cut off any pokey branches without ruining the aesthetics of the tree. For weeds, a DCPA based herbicide spray is suitable as it targets the weeds without harming the environment.
    5. Even though snow isn’t all that heavy in winters in Texas, there are some rare flurries in some areas. So don’t forget to have your pavement plowed since snow and ice tend to cause conditions leading to potholes. Do excavate ditches on the sides of the pavement for plowers to shove snow or slush into. Your pavement needs to be crowned well enough to allow any excess spring thaw to run off as well. If you want to install concrete trenches, opt for the U-shaped ones and plant vegetation around to protect the canal against erosion.
    6. Farms can also be muddy places depending on the season. If your road is gravel, dirt, or old asphalt, a road washout will incapacitate your ranch functions by making it hard for you, your vehicles, and your livestock to get through the mud. That’s why we stressed culverts and ditches.
    7. If you have a dirt road, you can harden it by adding sand and gravel to the topsoil and compacting it in. But then again, gravel is not an ideal road type despite being quite common on ranches. The gravel road can be maintained, too, with constant upkeep to prevent potholes and depressions.
    8. Possibly the best maintenance advice is to ensure a mindset where you have to protect your investment, i.e., the pavement, from damages small and large.

    At Prime Asphalt, we deal in constructing pavement, but we have dedicated services for ranch road maintenance. If you are ranching in the Waco, TX area and have seen a few too many potholes parading around your asphalt, it’s time to get your free quote on that pavement repair job you definitely would need us for. We also offer pavement construction and repair services all across Texas, but we’re here for you in Waco so don’t forget to get in touch to ranch up that road of yours!


    The Complete Process For Concrete Pavement Installation

    Concrete pavement installation is a process that starts with concrete preparation and ends with concrete curing. If you are interested in learning more about the concrete paving process, this blog post is perfect for you!

    Concrete Preparation

    Concrete combines cement, sand, water, and aggregate (gravel or crushed stone). The first step for concrete pavement installation is to mix all these ingredients. This includes adding water or other liquids called admixtures to create a concrete mix that can be poured into forms where it hardens and becomes solid concrete pavement.

    Next, you need to ensure the surface where the concrete being installed has been graded so that there are no low spots or high areas; these could lead to cracks and potholes developing over time.

    Concrete Base

    The next step is to lay down a thick layer of sand. After that comes the concrete base (or sub-base), which consists of gravel, crushed stone, or broken rock with cement mixed in between these materials. This provides stability for an even surface for the concrete pavement to go on top of it all. Once done, you are ready to start pouring concrete.

    Concrete Pouring and Leveling

    Concrete pavement installation can be done by a concrete truck. Immediately after pouring, some levelers will go through, ensuring your concrete has been appropriately poured and is even throughout. The next step is to break up any lumps in the concrete while it’s still wet using a concrete broom.

    Concrete Curing – The Vital Process for Quality Concrete Pavement

    When it comes to concrete pavement installation, a lot more goes into the process than just pouring some concrete. Once the slab has been poured and left to cure, many people stop paying attention – but this is actually when one of the most critical processes begins: curing. Curing isn’t just some fun word. It is an essential part of the concrete pavement installation process. While concrete is a solid building material, it requires at least 28 days to cure thoroughly!

    Purpose of Concrete Curing

    Curing concrete allows the cement and hydrated lime in the slurry to react with carbon dioxide from air and water molecules trapped within them. This chemical process strengthens the concrete by producing calcium silicate hydrate (CSH), which bonds the cement and sand particles together. This results in concrete with much greater compressive strength, protecting the pavement from damage due to vibration. Once cured, concrete is more resistant to wear caused by weather conditions.

    Prime Asphalt has the experience and knowledge to help you with all of your concrete paving needs in Waco, TX. We have been in business for years, so we know what it takes to produce a quality concrete surface that lasts for years without fail. To learn more about our first-rate concrete services, get in touch and get a free estimate while you’re at it!

    6 Things To Consider When Going Full Concrete Over Asphalt

    Suppose you own a commercial property or are a facility manager for a municipal corporation. In that case, there are times when you need to decide which pavement option is better: asphalt or concrete.

    Both are excellent pavement options, though they each have a few pros and cons. Concrete is more robust than asphalt, but it is heavier to install. Asphalt is easier to install than concrete; however, it does not last as long on the surface as concrete does. Understanding the benefits of both concrete and asphalt is vital to weigh the options in terms of projects.

    Here are some common grounds where weighing the pros and cons can help you understand when concrete is the concrete choice, even when asphalt tempts your budget goals.

    1. Strength and Stability: Concrete is more durable than asphalt. This makes concrete the choice when you know the surface will need to bear heavy traffic. Concrete lasts longer, even as it weathers and ages. It can also support heavier loads of vehicles or other equipment on the roads. As much as 60% of the US interstate is made out of concrete! It’s that strong!
    2. Maintenance: Contemporary research has recently brought us self-healing concrete! It is concrete infused with bacterial repairing agents that work to sustain the material. In contrast, asphalt does not have those self-repairing benefits to seal cracks in its surface. Asphalt repairs can extend to complete rework on the foundations, whereas concrete repairs, although expensive and seldom needed, are managed by cement and epoxy resin compound mixes.
    3. Resilience: Concrete also has a longer life span and will not experience the same issues that asphalt does after some time, even if used on major roadways without heavy traffic. Asphalt tends to suffer water damage, sealant erosion, ground shifting, the whole shebang, whereas concrete being very rigid, remains ideal for stable ground pavements. A concrete driveway only requires a perfunctory sealer and then an occasional power wash to remove any grease. Asphalt is more care-intensive.
    4. Longevity: Concrete pavement is more resistant to cracking than asphalt pavement. Concrete can last for 150 years or longer with proper maintenance, whereas asphalt pavement has a life span of 15-20 years. Concrete pavement is also more convenient. Concrete can withstand almost any weather condition or temperature without altering, as concrete is impervious to water and strengthens with the rains.
    5. Carbon Footprint: Of course, concrete, the more durable and cured material, has a much higher apparent carbon footprint than asphalt. However, concrete pavements last very long, and fewer repairs make them environmentally suitable and low on the carbon footprint in the long term. Concrete paving also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are harmful to our environment, allowing it to breathe!
    6. Customization: Concrete can be cast in any style, stamped, mixed to any hue before pouring, and painted on. From the pavement to patios and properties, there is just no end to how many ways concrete can be used to enhance curb appeal. As for asphalt, the least that can do is give your residential neighborhood a smooth blacktop, the municipality a strong parking lot, and those anti-skid tennis courts. Not bad; until the repair costs start coming in.

    Do you desire a definite concrete upgrade after reading this? We at Prime Asphalt offer a range of concrete solutions for your needs that far surpass our competitors in Waco, TX.

    The weather in Waco is ideal all year round for concrete paving, and we cover the entire county for services. Get your free estimate, or you’re welcome to drop by our office over at Sparks Lane. We’re open six days a week!

    Top 9 Tips For Your Next Paving Project

    Asphalt provides a perfect, durable surface that can withstand the most challenging weather conditions and heavy traffic. However, it takes a lot more than just laying down some asphalt to make a perfect pavement. There are many things you need to do to get the ideal asphalt pavement.

    In this blog post, we will discuss a few important tips so you can avoid common mistakes and get the best asphalt pavement possible.

    1. Proper Drainage

    First of all, make sure to have proper drainage. The installation process can often leave holes or cracks, and water will pool in these areas. You want to avoid this so that your asphalt isn’t ruined by puddles or depressions where the water pools.

    2. Compaction Testing

    Next, test for compaction before adding any more layers. If you don’t test for compaction, your pavement will just be a mirage.

    3. Usage

    You should also consider how your pavement will be used. It is essential for traction but also affects other features like durability and load-bearing capacity.

    4. Quality Material

    Make sure the materials are right for paving and for your usage. Don’t skimp on quality to save money, because you will regret it in the long run. Also, make sure the asphalt you are using is just right for your climate.

    5. Even Surface

    To make the perfect pavement, the surface should be level and free from any dips or bumps in the ground where water can collect.

    6. Perfect Timing

    Summer is the best time for paving because hot weather helps asphalt dry faster and bond with the surface better. The temperature must not go below 50 degrees to pave effectively. If rain is expected, then it is best to delay your project. Paving in the rain can cause asphalt to be washed away and get damaged, leading to premature cracking that costs more money than it should have for a perfect job.

    7. Proper Sweeping

    Asphalt paving needs to be performed on a clean surface. The reason for this is that the asphalt will not adhere well if there are any contaminants, and it can lead to significant problems with cracks in the pavement or even asphalt coming off soon after installation. Be sure to sweep away all debris before starting your paving project.

    8. Constant Speed

    The perfect asphalt pavement is made possible with consistent paving speed. It is essential to have the right equipment and know how to work it properly to reach your targeted paving speed and maintain it.

    A change in speed can affect how well a mat can be laid. When there are waves, ripples, and uneven depth, it’s usually caused by inconsistent speeds during placement.

    9. Knowledge and Experience

    The most crucial aspect to perfect asphalt pavement is expert knowledge and experience. This facilitates an ideal paving process that delivers durable, long-lasting results for customers. If you want perfect asphalt pavement, hire an expert.

    Prime Asphalt is your premier asphalt paving company for the Waco, TX area. Our team has decades of experience in construction and asphalt maintenance work. We are proud to say that we have installed pavements that look as good today as they did when we installed them years ago. If you are looking into having a new driveway or parking lot paved, contact us to schedule an appointment.

    Top 4 Services You Should Expect From Your Parking Lot Maintenance Company

    If you own or manage are reasonably large commercial establishment, then chances are you also provide parking facilities to your customers. You may be wondering why maintaining your parking lots is so essential, but let us tell you: parking lots are a crucial part of your business!

    The parking lot is the first thing your customers see when they come to visit you. Your parking lot sets the tone for the rest of your company, and if it’s not up to par, then people will notice. If you don’t have parking lot maintenance, then you’re not just missing out on an excellent opportunity to improve customer experience, but also risking an unsafe environment for visitors.

    That’s why Prime Asphalt offers parking lot maintenance services that range from sealcoating and crack sealing to resurfacing and bollard placementCall us today for more information on how we can help take care of all those parking lot needs and answer your questions about our service!

    In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top four services a well-reputed parking lot maintenance company should offer.

    1. Parking Lot Repairs

    Repairs come in many shapes and sizes and parking lots need repairs too! You want to make sure there aren’t any cracks or potholes that could cause someone to sustain an injury, so you must get these fixed as soon as possible.

    Therefore, parking lot repairs should be a top priority in your checklist when hiring a parking lot maintenance company. A professional company can repair parking lot cracks to build a new, safe surface.

    2. Sealcoating

    This parking lot maintenance service is crucial because it can extend the life of your parking lot by making the surface more durable. Sealcoating helps prevent water from seeping into your pavement, which would cause cracks in the asphalt due to the freeze/thaw cycle. Sealcoating the parking lot will also provide safety for the pedestrians and drivers since it makes the asphalt more slip-resistant.

    3. Asphalt Resurfacing

    Resurfacing involves removing all of the old asphalt and replacing it with a new layer of asphalt, thereby improving traction for vehicles and reducing potential vehicle damage due to a bad surface on the parking lot.

    Resurfacing provides a long-lasting solution for parking lot maintenance and reduces the need for constant repairs; thus, it also helps to reduce costs!

    4. Line Striping

    Line Striping is a parking lot maintenance service that entails painting lines on parking spaces to clearly delineate parking space boundaries. Line striping can be used for commercial parking lots, private residential parking areas, and parking decks or garages. The most common type of line striping is yellow (sometimes white) paint, which provides excellent contrast against parking lot surfaces.

    Prime Asphalt offers all of the services mentioned above as a part of their premium parking lot maintenance services. Our experts are professional and well-trained with years of experience in the field thus ensuring you always get high-quality results. Schedule an appointment for your parking lot in Waco, TX, today! 

    Top Ways To Fix Your Road: Maintenance Strategies

    Your road is a lifeline to your business. When it’s in bad shape, it sets a wrong first impression on your potential customers as they start assessing the quality of your products/services by your business’s exterior. Therefore, roads need to be maintained. Otherwise, they can go from smooth asphalt to rough pothole-filled road in just months!

    Roads can become worn out due to adverse weather conditions or age. Some other factors, such as increased traffic volume or flawed drainage systems, may also play a significant role in road deterioration.

    To prevent these damages from becoming too severe and costly, it is essential to take care of your road before things get worse. At Prime Asphalt, we offer some of the best road maintenance strategies that will help keep your road in excellent condition for years to come!

    1. Pothole Repair

    Potholes are caused by water seeping into cracks in the pavement and freezing during the winter months. The freeze-thaw cycle causes pieces of asphalt to pop out of place, which leads to holes in the road surface. If not attended to, the road’s surface will continue to deteriorate and the potholes will grow over time.

    At Prime Asphalt, our experts are skilled at repairing potholes. We will knock out the road surface and patch it with new asphalt in no time. Our team possesses years of experience and all the right tools and equipment to provide premier pothole repair services.

    2. Drainage Unblocking

    Leaves, dirt, or other road debris can block the drainage if not cleaned frequently. When this happens, it often leads to flooding and potholes, which can be dangerous for drivers who use the road.

    There are many ways to keep runoff from clogging up your roads, but one of the best ways is by unblocking drainage pipes periodically. The experts at Prime Asphalt are well-trained to identify the root cause of drainage blockages and fix it to prevent road closures.

    3. Repair and Maintenance of Road Signs

    Road signs are one example of road-related tasks that may require attention or replacement with a new sign due to damage, fading, or updated information.

    If you are unsure about where to get your road signs repaired, contact Prime Asphalt and inquire about road sign repair services. We offer an array of services, including the repair and maintenance of road signs. We aim to provide better visibility on the roadways for our clients. Furthermore, we also offer various road maintenance services such as road resurfacing and more. If you are looking for a road maintenance or paving contractor in Waco, TX, contact us now!

    We are family-owned and operated paving contractors serving both residential and commercial clients for the past 20 years. Our expertise, quality, and customer service are unmatched – You can always count on us!

    The Pros And Cons Of A Tar And Chip Driveway

    Tar and chip paving is a construction method that uses layers of small single-sized crushed angular stones and places them in simplistic lifts. While tar and chip driveways are a common sight on roads and airport runways, they are also popular among homeowners.

    There is a lot more to a tar and chip driveways than meets the eye. In this blog post, we’ll list some pros and cons of installing a tar and chip driveway.


    1. Keeps Your Driveway Dry

    Tar and chip driveways remain dry by preventing water accumulation in a confined area. Standing water can cause extensive cracking or, even worse, cause your driveway to break down, which can be expensive to repair. You can avoid water pools by installing a tar and chip driveway that effectively counters such situations. Tar and chip driveways also remain safe from flooding during heavy rains or snowstorms, so you don’t have to worry about sidewalks freezing over on these cold winters’ days!

    2. Low-Cost Approach to Construction

    Another benefit of tar and chip paving is that it offers a low-cost approach to construction. Tar and chip is an economical way to pave and costs significantly less than its asphalt counterparts. You can expect to pay in the range of $2-$5 per square foot when installing a tar and chip driveway. Like any other construction project, it is best to hire a professional contractor like Prime Asphalt, serving clients in Waco and other towns across Texas.

    However, like asphalt, the cost of a tar and chip paving varies over time. Therefore, although you can install a cheaper gravel driveway, we don’t recommend it as it is not very durable.

    3. Long Extended Driveways

    Tar and chip are excellent paving materials for long driveways located in a rural setting. They are renowned for their rustic appearance, which gives them a unique look. Another good thing about tar and chip driveways is that you can install them over existing driveways, provided they are in good shape.


    1. Limited Lifespan

    The limited lifespan of a tar and chip driveway is a concern for many homeowners. Tar and chip driveways can last up to 7-10 years, but it is common for them to need repair work in as little as five years after installation. Repairing or upgrading a tar and chip driveway also requires laborious efforts due to its sticky nature.

    2. Contractors are Hard to Find

    Another problem with tar and chip driveways is that it is hard to find contractors who specialize in repairing or upgrading them. This is another reason why tar and chip driveways are not as long-lasting as their counterparts.

    Finding a reliable pavement contractor who can repair a tar and chip driveway may be challenging, but not for the property owners in Waco, TX. With Prime Asphalt around, all your tar and chip concerns and repair needs can be easily attended to. Get a free quote on our services now.

    FAQs About Parking Lot Maintenance: Answered

    Parking lot maintenance is a topic that many business owners don’t think about until they have to deal with it. Yet, parking lots are an essential part of commercial establishments, and their maintenance ensures a necessary amenity for employees, customers and visitors. In this blog post, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about parking lot maintenance, as well as suggestions on how to make sure your parking lot is always in great shape!

    Why is Parking Lot Maintenance Important?

    Many businesses don’t give necessary consideration to the significance of regular parking lot maintenance. However, the parking lot isn’t merely an entry and exit point for customers; it is an essential service expected from the business by the customers.

    Parking lot maintenance can help your business become more profitable in the long run, as well as keep your employees and customers happy. It involves various activities, including cracks and pothole repair, sealcoating, line striping, etc. In addition, regular parking lot maintenance gives a fresh vibe to your place, as customers prefer visiting a well-maintained space and are welcoming. Therefore, hiring a professional contractor like Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX, for your parking lot maintenance is the best decision you can make.

    What is the Per Square Foot Cost to Repair a Parking Lot?

    The price of parking lot repair depends on several factors such as location, property size, etc. However, you can expect to pay between $1.60 – $2 per square foot for asphalt parking lot resurfacing. It is also necessary to understand the difference between “repaving,” “resurfacing,” and “resealing,” as all of these are different in terms of the cost and the outcome.

    Factors such as local competition, location, and time of year also affect the cost of resurfacing or repaving the asphalt parking lot.

    What Causes Parking Lot Potholes?

    Potholes typically form over time due to water accumulation. Asphalt cannot withstand direct sunlight indefinitely without breaking down. This allows water to seep under the asphalt due to rainstorms or other natural occurrences. If the moisture below the surface freezes, the cracks expand to transform into potholes.

    Not taking immediate action against the cracks usually results in pothole formation. Call a professional contractor as soon as you notice a pothole in your parking lot.

    What are the Methods of Parking Lot Maintenance?

    Parking lots are often overlooked when there is no traffic on them. However, parking lots are subject to wear and tear from constant foot traffic and excessive sunlight. You should apply sealants and carry out crack repairs once every two years; this can help prevent asphalt damage. Extensive cracking may require more intensive repairs, such as a complete demolition of the surface.

    Prime Asphalt offers premier parking lot maintenance services in Waco, TX. As an experienced pavement contractor, we’re aware of all the latest trends and techniques necessary for asphalt repair. So, get an estimate for our services, and see the results for yourself.

    Why You Need To Sealcoat your Asphalt Pavement

    Like everything in this world, your asphalt pavement will also not last forever. Regular wear and tear, adverse weather conditions, and heavy vehicle load are some factors that can deteriorate an asphalt pavement, reducing its lifespan.

    An asphalt pavement needs regular maintenance and timely repairs to ensure that it does not wear out prematurely while safeguarding your pavement investment – and sealcoating provides just that. Sealcoating is the process of applying a protective layer on the asphalt pavement to protect it from harmful elements, including UV rays, water, and oil damage.

    Sealcoating is one of the best methods to protect asphalt pavement. When performed by an expert and professional contractor like Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX, sealcoating can help extend your pavement’s life while rejuvenating its lustrous blacktop.

    If you’re still skeptical about the significance of sealcoating, here is a list of benefits that will convince you otherwise.

    Extends Your Pavement Lifespan

    One of the main benefits of sealcoating is that it helps extend your pavement’s lifespan. Cracks and openings on the surface expose the asphalt base to harmful external elements that can inflict heavy damage. Constant wear and tear result in premature deterioration of the asphalt pavement, and it starts looking shabby in a few years. An asphalt pavement that is expected to last twenty years may end up needing significant repairs or even replacement in half the time.

    Sealcoating helps extend your pavement’s lifespan by adding a protective layer on the surface, keeping the harmful elements from penetrating. The coat stays intact for a prolonged period and ensures your pavement is ready to take on all challenges that come its way. Whether it’s adverse weather conditions, the accumulating dirt, debris, or UV rays, your pavement will be ready to face it after the sealcoating.

    High Repair Costs

    In addition to ensuring that your pavement does not remain exposed to harmful elements, sealcoating safeguards the surface against future damages. This means a considerable drop in repair costs as you will not notice cracks and potholes on the surface for a while after sealcoating the pavement. Pavement damages are costly to repair, and by sealcoating them pre-emptively, you can save a considerable sum by avoiding repairs altogether.

    Fresh and Beautiful

    Another good thing about pavement sealcoating is that it keeps your asphalt surface looking fresh and beautiful. The dark black color of freshly sealcoated asphalt pavement is stunning to behold and adds significant value to a property. Sealcoating also provides a smooth and non-porous surface which allows rain to wash dirt and debris away smoothly. This ensures that your parking lot continues to look clean and beautiful.

    The benefits of asphalt sealcoating are apparent, and if you want to enjoy the full range of sealcoating benefits in Waco, TX, then Prime Asphalt is the right choice for you. We offer quality sealcoating and asphalt paving services, ensuring that your pavement looks top-notch at all times.

    Get a free estimate from our professionals now.

    What To Consider Before Paving Your Driveway?

    Your driveway is the first touchpoint for visitors to your home or property. From family events to heavy vehicle loads to harsh weather, many factors test its mettle. When you install an asphalt driveway and invest a significant sum of money into it, you want it to last a long time and not deteriorate prematurely. This is why you need to be cautious before making the final call on your driveway.

    This blog post aims to help homeowners by highlighting some important factors they need to consider before having their driveway paved. You should also consider talking to an expert asphalt paving contractor like Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX, for professional advice.

    Location Characteristics

    You need to choose the pavement material most suitable for the temperature and climate conditions in your area. There are three basic paving materials: asphalt (made out of bitumen and crushed rock), concrete (usually a combination of cement and gravel), or bricks.

    • Asphalt is less expensive than other paving options, but it can be susceptible to cracking when the temperature is variable to extremes. The asphalt pavement expands and contracts with rising and falling temperatures. If you’re looking into asphalt paving, there are different types of asphalt, such as modified bitumen (aka blacktop) or hot mix asphalt, often referred to as HMA. The former can crack in cold climates. The latter offers better durability, depending on where you reside. However, it is best to consult an expert.
    • On the other hand, concrete pavement can last a lifetime, but installing one is more expensive and it also needs to be sealed periodically.
    • Brick pavement is the best choice for homeowners who live in cooler climates because it maintains its structural integrity even when the temperature drops below zero. Brick is an attractive option as well, especially if you want your home to have that nice curb appeal!

    Maintenance Requirements

    This is a significant consideration for homeowners who want their driveway looking just as good ten years from now as it does today. Some types of paving materials are more susceptible to cracking than others due to temperature fluctuations or heavy vehicle loads.


    Choose paving materials that are durable and can last decades. Buyers with access to the required finances should consider the advantages of higher quality materials.


    You need to ensure that you get the right guys for driveway installation and maintenance. Experienced contractors are skilled enough to tackle all challenges and advise you on choices that suit you the best. Additionally, they are well-versed with the climatic conditions of your area and ensure that the driveway is ready to counter the environment’s challenges.

    Prime Asphalt is the premier pavement contractor in Waco, TX. We offer a range of asphalt and concrete paving services. In addition to providing driveway installation, we also provide industrial paving and parking lot maintenance services. Get a free estimate from our team.

    5 Mistakes Property Managers Make When Paving Their Properties

    Property managers have a lot of pressure on them as the responsibility of fund and property management falls solely on their shoulders, with the added stress of answering to the property owner. Property managers have seemingly countless responsibilities, due to which getting a property addition or improvement project like paving becomes near impossible to complete without a few mistakes. However, mistakes can prove costly, which is why as a property manager, you need to avoid them at any cost. A sure way to minimize risks of errors is to know what the most common ones are, so you can pay extra attention to them.

    1. Inaccurate Budgeting

    Not developing a proper budget for your asphalt paving project can lead to many unanticipated costs that can cause delays in the completion of your project as it will take you some time to arrange the funds to meet all expenses. Thus, it is wiser to calculate all costs and set aside a small amount for unexpected expenses.

    2. Lack of Proper Planning

    Planning is a tedious yet essential part of managing any project if you want to achieve seamless and high-quality results because it can save you from missing out on steps and facing problems you did not anticipate. An example of ill-planning is not checking the weather before scheduling and starting a paving project, resulting in complications. Rainfall, snow, fog, ice, and high humidity can make your pavement wet, making it impossible for asphalt to bond with the surface. And if the temperatures are too low, they cause the pavement to dry too quickly, leading to a brittle pavement.

    3. Hiring a Subpar Contractor

    Perhaps the biggest mistake a property manager make is hiring the wrong person to complete such an important project, not just in terms of the hefty investment but also because of the future benefits and risks involved. For example, if you hire a good paving company, you will not have to pay for frequent repairs in the near future or suffer from early pavement failure as they will use the most appropriate paving methods and more. But, on the other hand, hiring a subpar contractor will not provide you with superior asphalt services or lasting solutions.

    4. Being Unaware of Project Requirements

    It is vital to have at least the basic knowledge of the process and its steps so you can monitor that the work is correctly being carried out. For example, grading is a necessary step to prevent erosion and flooding and ensure quick and efficient drainage on your land. Having the basic know-how will also save you from problems if you have hired a new contractor.

    5. Noncompliance with ADA Guidelines

    While a professional paving firm will know all ADA guidelines and other legal requirements regarding the construction of a pavement, you should also dive into research to learn valuable information. Leaving this solely on the contractor can impede you from detecting any flaws or missed guidelines. Also, most contractors follow the design plan you give them, so you need to ensure that your design is ADA compliant because after the pavement is constructed, non-compliancy can lead to costly changes, fines, and more. Prime Asphalt is a leading asphalt paving contractor serving residential, commercial, and industrial clients in Waco, TX. Request an estimate for your paving project or contact us for more information.

    Maintenance Tips For Your Newly Paved Asphalt Surface

    So, you’ve got yourself a new asphalt pavement, Congratulations! Asphalt surfaces are an excellent addition to your property; their visual appeal and long, productive lifespan ensure that you don’t regret your decision. However, like the rest of your property, an asphalt pavement requires time to settle and also needs regular maintenance.

    There is a simple rule for asphalt maintenance: the better you maintain the pavement, the longer it will last. Regular maintenance ensures that the pavement remains in optimal condition and doesn’t require frequent repairs or substantial repair costs.

    Asphalt surface maintenance begins right after you install it. Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX, offers expert asphalt paving and repair as well as maintenance services.

    This blog post lists some essential tips that will help extend the lifespan of your newly installed asphalt surface.

    First Two Weeks Protection

    The asphalt surface is most vulnerable during the first fourteen days of installation. As a responsible property owner, you should avoid driving on the newly installed surface for at least 3-5 days. Also, you should keep the foot and vehicle traffic off your recently paved surface for the first two weeks. However, if you have limited parking options, you can park your vehicle after a week on the dried part of the pavement.

    Driving on Asphalt

    Since the liquid asphalt usually takes 6-12 months to cure, the pavement must remain pliable and soft till then. Although you can walk and drive over it after some time, you must be wary of parking your vehicle for an extended duration on the surface. Harsh weather conditions also impact the asphalt adversely as the blacktop softens and hardens with the changes in ambient temperature.

    Avoid Burdening the Asphalt

    The excessive weight of large, heavy vehicles weakens your asphalt surface. If you are storing boats or campers of some kind, we advise placing a plywood piece under them.

    Barbecues, lawn chairs, and motorcycles also exert weight on a concentrated area, creating depressions and holes in the region, especially during hot weather.

    Clean Gasoline Drops

    Fluid spills and drops of oil on the pavement dilute the liquid asphalt. Not cleaning up the chemical spills promptly from the surface can lead to permanent damage, which reduces the curb appeal.

    All in all, asphalt maintenance is an ongoing process that requires commitment and dedication on your part. Sometimes cracks and asphalt deterioration are inevitable, and there’s not much that you can do. The adverse weather conditions and the environmental factors are a few other things that you cannot control; however, you should do your best to preserve the pavement for as long as possible.

    If things worsen and require professional attention, you can always count on Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX. Our skilled professionals provide services for all asphalt paving problems, repairs, and maintenance.

    Get a free quote for the service you require today!

    Everything Your Concrete Contractor Should Be Doing Before Paving Your Surface

    Concrete is cheap and durable and doesn’t require an extensive maintenance regime. The only flaw is that the whole surface needs to be repaved if the concrete breaks from anywhere. Minor cracks, of course, can be filled.

    Are you searching for a contractor who provides expert concrete paving solutions in Waco, TX? Prime Asphalt offers high-quality paving services to commercial and residential clients.

    Getting a concrete surface paved requires both you and your contractor to do some tasks for preparation. While your job is to select a design, pattern, and color, your contractor is busy too.

    Below are all the things a contractor should do before they start pouring concrete onto the ground.

    Preparing the area

    The contractor should clear the area, sweep away any debris, trash, and organic matter like dead leaves, twigs, seedpods, etc. They should shovel away any snow and leave the ground to dry after rainfall or snowfall. A wet surface won’t allow installing a solid concrete surface as the concrete mixture won’t stick to the ground properly.

    Defining the space

    The contractor should calculate the area that will be paved then double-check the dimensions and measurements. Once they finalize the area they will be paving, they should start prepping as per the choice of material.

    If they build a concrete slab, they need to put up walls to make a boundary for the poured concrete. However, if pavers are being installed, then they will dig the area a few inches deep.

    Creating a drainage system

    It is vital for the contractor to identify how your drainage will work and if you need to set up a system before laying your concrete to avoid water buildup and damage during the rainy season. It’s best to work on this immediately, or you might have to repave the whole surface again soon.

    Laying a base layer

    Create a strong base layer must be laid with coarse, thickly crushed material to keep the concrete layer solid and intact. The contractor should lay an 8-inch layer of crushed concrete or stone, and level the base layer before moving forward.

    Reinforcing the foundation

    The contractor should add rebar, wire mesh, or a composite or steel grid on top of the base layer to reinforce its shape. Metal supports like these will keep the concrete surface strong for decades.

    Pouring the concrete

    Once everything else is done, it is time to finally lay down the concrete and let it remain there till it dries. Meanwhile, if the contractor has created a large slab, they can start leveling and stamping the concrete to keep its shape, leading to a smooth surface.

    Finding a high quality paving company is a challenge in itself. There are so many contractors in the market who offer to work at different rates. However, you should focus on finding a company that provides the best service. Prime Asphalt in Waco, TX, is an experienced paving company which performs concrete pavement installation and repairs.

    Request an Estimate now.

    4 Red Flags To Watch Out For When Hiring A Paving Company

    What happened to the pavement? Is the surface deteriorating before completion of its service life? How severe are the damages? Can they be repaired with minor fixes? And how can I be sure it won’t happen again? These are some of the questions faced by property owners after a sub-par paving job.

    It is common to look for references when deciding on an asphalt paving company. However, it is a big mistake to make a decision based only on word of mouth.

    If you reside in Waco, TX, you need not worry because Prime Asphalt is here to cater to all your paving needs. From using high-quality materials to excellent customer service, our team excels in offering premium quality paving services.

    In today’s blog post, we’ll highlight four major red flags that you need to watch out for in order to protect yourself from hiring an inexperienced or unreliable asphalt paving contractor.

    1. Vague (or Nonexistent) Pricing Estimates

    Professional companies with years of experience in the paving industry know the value of competitive prices and correct estimation of the project. So, if the paving company you’re considering doesn’t provide you with all the relevant details and pricing structure regarding your project, know that they are exploiting your trust and aiming to deceive you. Our advice is to walk away immediately.

    2. Lack of Communication

    Remember, communication reveals a lot about a paving contractor (or any business). If you have to wait for days to get a reply on a simple paving query, what will happen if there’s a significant issue? This will not only cause misunderstandings but will also cause unnecessary delays in the task at hand.

    It is crucial to note the response time of the contractor and how efficiently they provide the answers. Please don’t be shy about asking questions you have in mind related to their work procedures or equipment used.

    3. No Portfolio or Client Feedback

    Asphalt paving will significantly impact the aesthetics and curb appeal of your property. Therefore, relying on a contractor with no portfolio or client reviews/testimonials on their website or social media pages raises a big question mark on the quality of their services!

    Note: if the contractor clearly informs you in advance that they are a new company and you will be their first customer, then this is a sign of their honesty. It is now up to you whether you want to take a chance on a newbie.

    4. No License or Certification

    When a business is licensed, it means that it has passed some specific industry criteria and possesses the expertise required to do the job efficiently. Moreover, such companies are officially permitted to accept work offers and provide their services to all residents.

    So, if the paving company you are considering doesn’t have the necessary licenses or certifications to do the job, take a U-turn!

    We hope the above tips were helpful in helping you understand what to look out for when hiring a contractor.

    If you live in Waco, TX, and are looking for a reliable paving company, then you have nothing to worry about. Prime Asphalt is an experienced contracting company with a proven track record. We can offer you high quality solutions for all your paving needs. Get a free quote today.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Tar And Chip Driveways

    You will come across numerous options when installing a new driveway. Asphalt, concrete, gravel, and pavers are some popular choices that people will recommend to you in your hunt for suitable driveway material. One option rarely mentioned in pavement discussions is the tar and chip driveway, made of bitumen and stone aggregate; the material is a tried and tested driveway partner.

    Since tar and chip is not as popular as its counterparts, not many property owners have enough knowledge about it. So, today we’ll give a brief introduction to tar and chip and answer some frequently asked questions about the material.

    What Is a Tar and Chip Driveway?

    Let’s begin with the absolute basics; tar and chip driveways are a low-cost alternative to other pavement materials such as concrete and asphalt. The good-looking and versatile driveway stamped its authority by being the mainstay from carriages and driveways in Europe, particularly in the UK.

    A tar and chip driveway is also called tar and stone, tar and chippings, seal chip, tar bond, tar, and granite driveway. It is extremely popular for its durability and affordability and also for the low maintenance it requires.

    How Is It Made?

    All driveways must be built on a strong foundation. We begin work on a tar and chip driveway by packing a mixed-aggregate sub base in the excavation site. After installing the sub-base, we spread stone-aggregate over the surface, which is then firmly pressed with a heavy roller’s help.

    Often, we lay down a new tar and chip surface over an existing parking lot or driveway. In such a scenario, we clear the driveway of all dust and debris and eliminate any potholes by filling them. A comprehensive preparation routine is always necessary before tar and chip installation.

    Is It Expensive?

    As mentioned before, a tar and chip driveway is inexpensive. What’s even better is that it does not have substantial maintenance costs like other pavement materials. A tar and chip driveway usually has a lifespan of ten years which is not bad considering the economical installation and maintenance rates.

    How Should I Maintain a Tar and Chip Driveway?

    Even though tar and chip do not require extensive maintenance routines, you still need to be vigilant when preserving them. Snowplowing, for instance, to clear the driveway can be dangerous as it damages the top layer of stone. You can prevent the damages by using a snowblower or a shovel.

    A tar and chip driveway requires minimal maintenance; this means that it does not need frequent sealing or crack filling measures to extend its lifespan.

    If you’re looking to install a tar and chip driveway in Waco, TX, then Prime Asphalt should be your choice. With years of experience under our belt, we ensure that you get the ultimate tar and chip experience using our services. Click here now to get a free quote on our services.

    How To Maintain And Build A Farm Road

    Farm roadways are often perceived as poorly constructed and ill- maintained, with little thought being given to how to prevent the road from deterioration. Remember that the better your farm path is, the more tourists you’ll receive and the less often you’ll have to maintain it. A well-built farm road will last you for several years.

    The roadway and farm entrance roads are probably the most used and most neglected areas of every property. For moving across farms and rural lands, roads, routes, and access ways are essential. Building adequate roads for the task will reduce maintenance costs and make daily activities much easier and efficient.

    Every property owner should prioritize maintaining secure, protected, and efficient roads.

    Constructing a Farm Road

    When preparing to construct your farm road, keep the following points in mind.

    Begin with the Objective in Mind

    When planning to construct a road for your farm, it’s essential to consider the purpose. Is it simply to provide access to consumers, vendors, and employees? Or also to bear a lot of traffic? If the road will be used to carry large trucks and farm machinery, make sure it’s designed to sustain the weight!

    Usage of Suitable Tools, High-Quality Materials, and Proper Construction Techniques

    Your materials selection will be influenced by factors such as the environment and resource availability in your area. It’s essential to plan a road with larger stones and smaller gravel or best available content for long lasting functionality.

    Try to Keep Water Off the Lane

    Moving water to the trenches prevents erosion off the roadway. To reduce contamination of the road surface, ditches, and creeks, direct excess water away from the roadway.

    Service Structure for Cold Weather

    Plan trenches to be large enough to hold snow, withstand seasonal rains and a high flow of water. Drains should be at an average of 1% slope, but not more than 10% to make for smoother automobile maneuvering. When planning a road, keep safety in mind.

    Keeping the Tracks Maintained

    Tracks need to be managed as appropriate after they’ve been constructed; doing so the proper way will save you money on repair work in the longer term. If a well-built farm road is to operate correctly, it must be maintained on a routine basis.

    If you reside in a region with a lot of rain or the opposite, make sure that you have a scheduled maintenance plan in place to keep the road in good shape. Also, make sure you have the right highway maintenance machinery. It is recommended that you employ experts to perform the maintenance tests so they would be able to identify and potential problems.

    Our team at Prime Asphalt guarantees the timely completion of your paving project with top-notch quality and a reasonable budget in Waco, TX. With more than 50 years of experience in the construction industry, we are the number one choice for paving solutions in the state of Texas! Reach out to us today to learn more about our paving solutions for farms and ranches.

    What To Do When You Are All Done With Your Asphalt Project

    Most property owners think that if they get a brand-new asphalt surface, they will be exempt from all maintenance work and precautions for at least a few months. Well, that is not how it works! A newly paved or repaved surface also requires some post-installation care and guidelines to be adhered to. Otherwise, you should be ready to repair the asphalt driveway that you just had installed.

    Professional asphalt paving contractors like Prime Asphalt from Waco, TX, will brief you in advance about all the necessary measures you need to take for your newly laid asphalt pavement.

    Follow the instructions below for post-paving care of your asphalt pavement.

    Please wait 24 Hours Before Using It

    Don’t use the pavement immediately after installation, especially if you are using a hot mix. Let the asphalt surface cure and settle after the compaction process, so there is no scuffing or tearing because tires can damage the soft surface. The weight of a vehicle can cause depressions and irregular compaction. If you want to maintain a smooth surface, wait a day before allowing traffic on the pavement.

    Keep It Clean

    Keep your asphalt clean if you want it to last a long time. Dust, debris, snow, ice, and oil can badly damage your asphalt surface. If you do not regularly clean your pavement, then it will develop cracks, potholes, depressions, and more.

    Avoid Driving Near the Edge

    Driving close to the edge of a new asphalt surface can lead to cracks. The asphalt is weakest near the edge and cannot bear the weight of the heavy traffic.

    Don’t Park in the Same Spot

    If you own a parking lot, then you need to make sure that no equipment or heavy-duty vehicle (like a truck) remains parked in the same spot for an extended period, whether it is for a few days at a stretch or daily for a few hours. This will lead to settling of that area, and very soon, there will be permanent and noticeable damage.

    Sealcoat at The Right Time

    Sealcoating is essential for all new and old asphalt surfaces. It is recommended that a pavement should get a fresh sealcoat done every two to three years. The biggest mistake that property owners make is waiting too long before getting a sealcoat. Getting a sealcoat within a few days after paving or waiting for six months to a year after paving are both wrong and can result in damage.

    Asphalt pavement takes a few weeks or months to settle; seal coating before that damages both the seal coat and asphalt. And if you wait too long to seal coat, then regular use and elements will damage the surface. So, the best time to get a new asphalt surface seal coated is four to twelve weeks after paving is complete.

    In Waco, TX, Prime Asphalt is a family-owned & operated asphalt paving company delivering durable asphalt surfaces in the DFW area. We help to get your pavement back in shape with sealcoating, tar & chip sealing, concrete paving & more.

    Explore our services and get a free quote from our professionals. 

    3 Main Types Of Road Maintenance

    Untidy roads with potholes and cracks are a menace to both drivers and pedestrians. Speeding cars jumping over an unseen pothole are a recipe for disaster and can lead to severe accidents and even deaths.

    Professional contractors in the country are working overtime to ensure that roads function in full capacity to provide the community with a safe and secure driving area. The contractors are working in accordance with state regulations in a public-private partnership rarely observed before.

    As professional contractors, we’ve come across many different kinds and degrees of road and pavement problems over the years. With a jam-packed schedule and clients frantically calling for help, we’ve got to prioritize the issues that come before us.

    In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of the three main road maintenance strategies we employ to deal with any road-related hazards.

    Reactive Maintenance

    This is a maintenance strategy whereby we fix issues once they appear. These are problems that are not on our immediate to-do list.

    An open manhole, a missing grate, or a pothole are all types of problems which fall into our reactive maintenance strategy. A team of expert professionals is dispatched to rectify the problem as soon as they’re informed.

    Potholes don’t emerge out of the blue; they start forming on roads where cracks are already visible on the surface. Repairing potholes and cracks are reactive measures that are preventable if property owners and residents take timely action.

    Preventive Maintenance

    Proactive measures are always more beneficial than reactive. Identifying potential pain points and repairing them straightaway helps you mitigate risks and save money. Regular inspections and maintenance prevent the road from crumbling and help avoid serious problems, keeping you and those around safe.

    Emergency Maintenance

    This is a maintenance measure or a problem that gives both clients and our team severe headaches. Emergency maintenance measures are always unplanned and dire; this is why it is a category that many inexperienced contractors are not skilled enough to deal with.

    A road or pavement requires immediate maintenance when a force of nature or a colossal accident damages them. Heavy rain, mudslides, and storms can be highly devastating and can disrupt the entire transport network.

    While emergencies happen rarely, they are life-threatening and can result in permanent damages to property. This is why you should always call on professional contractors to deal with them. 

    At Prime Asphalt, we help you eliminate all your pavement problems by offering timely repair and maintenance services. Our professionals are experienced with all kinds of pavement maintenance procedures and can resolve your problems effectively. We offer a diverse range of pavement repair services in Waco. Explore our services and get a free quote from our professionals. 

    Steps To Planning A Paving Project

    If your new projects include asphalt installation, you need to plan accordingly for its successful completion. But what guarantees you that your asphalt paving project will be successful?

    While getting a brand-new asphalt pavement installed is a big task and investment, you can make it more manageable by breaking it up into three easy steps. However, regardless of your paving project’s size, you will still need to plan to ensure the best quality results.  


    In this blog post, we will discuss the three essential steps that will help you ensure your paving project turns out to be a success.

    1. Call the Professionals to Inspect Your Existing Asphalt Pavement

    The first step is understanding the need of your selected paving area. If there is no existing asphalt pavement on the site you wish to install asphalt on, you will have to get the area surveyed to determine how to proceed with the paving project. 

    2. Check for Needed Repairs and Prepare a Budget

    Does your existing asphalt need repairs? How severe are the pavement damages? After knowing all this, consider your repair options accordingly.

    For example, if you see cracks on your pavement, consult a paving contractor to determine if it’s possible to fix them with asphalt repair techniques. However, before making any decision, you should at least have an idea of the budget. So, don’t forget to get a free quote from your paving contractor if you want to budget the paving project efficiently.

    3. Get in Touch with Paving Contractors

    To avoid any risk, consider these critical areas of focus when selecting a paving company for your project:

    • Reputation (and referrals)
    • Licensing & insurance
    • Previous projects’ successes
    • Understanding of the project scope
    • Knowledge of material and project specifications

    Finding an experienced and professional contractor to partner with is essential for a good paving plan.

    In addition to this, constant communication throughout a project is imperative for a successful paving project. Changes or unexpected issues are a certainty, so having a transparent communication channel between the pavement owner and contractor is very crucial. 

    Remember, pavement projects are pricey; however, they don’t have to be stressful. Minimize your paving budget by communicating effectively and efficiently, take time to find potential contractors, and don’t skimp on any pavement preparation methods.

    While there may be many other pavement contractors in Waco, there is no one like Prime Asphalt. We deliver the finest results and pride ourselves on our excellent customer. Get a free estimate today!

    11 Points To Consider When Opting For Concrete Over Asphalt

    Paving projects are a significant investment that requires careful consideration, planning, and the right contractors. One of the critical decisions that all property managers, homeowners, and business owners need to make is the choice of material for your pavement. Your choice of material can affect many things, including the service life of your pavement, future maintenance costs, paving time, initial costs, etc.

    The most common paving materials are asphalt and concrete. Deciding between them is a difficult task as both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Below are 11 points that may help you make up your mind.

    1. Concrete is a more durable and long-lasting paving material than asphalt. A concrete pavement has a service life of 30 to 50 years, while a blacktop surface typically lasts between 20 to 25 years. Concrete wins by at least a decade.

    2. Concrete sealing is preferable but not compulsory, but asphalt requires a new seal coat every two to three years.

    3. A concrete sealant lasts longer than asphalt sealants, so concrete pavement requires less frequent sealing than blacktops.

    4. Concrete requires much less maintenance and repair than asphalt, which means it has lower running costs.

    5. Asphalt paving is cheaper and easier to install than concrete. In contrast, concrete installation projects require a higher initial cost or investment.

    6. Asphalt paving projects are completed quicker, so they can be opened to traffic earlier than concrete, which takes a longer time to cure/dry.

    7. Concrete paving has greater room for artistic expression than asphalt, which is plain black. Concrete can feature different tints, patterns, textures, designs, and finishes.

    8. Concrete becomes more robust with time due to hydration, while asphalt bindings become weaker.

    9. Both asphalt roads and concrete pavements suffer extensive damage during winters due to the freeze-thaw cycle and the frequent use of harsh deicing products and application of salt for melting snow and ice.

    10. Concrete repair options are very limited and look very prominent on the surface, which is why, in most cases, concrete pavement is resurfaced. On the other hand, asphalt allows for several quick and easy asphalt repair techniques that eliminate or delay the need (and cost) of repaving.

    11. Concrete is a long-wearing paving material that can bear more weight than asphalt, making it ideal for projects requiring solid surfaces like parking lots and storage units.

    Consider all the above points thoroughly before making any final decisions about your paving project. Also consult your project engineer and the paving company you have hired.

    When it comes to paving firms, make sure to select a professional firm with experienced professionals who use high-quality materials and the best and most efficient tools and techniques.

    While there may be other pavement contractors in Waco, there is no one better than Prime Asphalt. We deliver high-quality results and excellent customer service to cater to all your pavement needs. Get a free estimate today!

    Get Budge-Proof & Beautiful Pavement Surfaces Without Breaking The Bank At Prime Asphalt

    If you’re like the many property owners in the Waco, Midland, & Dallas Fort Worth areas looking for a beautiful pavement, then you need to consider various factors. Here, the contractors available, the pavement installation cost, and the materials involved are some things you might need to consider before you start budgeting for your next paving project.

    While a poorly constructed asphalt pavement surface comes with its fair share of problems, premature deterioration and increasing repair costs can add up to the already increasing paving costs. That’s why it is essential to hire reliable contractors who know the job like the back of their hands.

    Prime Asphalt is the leading asphalt pavement company in the Dallas Forth Worth area We have years of experience in the industry, and our skilled professionals can efficiently handle all your pavement needs. Click here to get a free quote from our experts today!

    So, if you are still looking for an ideal paving contractor, Prime Asphalt is the best choice! Read more to find out why you should hire us.

    1. Affordable Prices

    One thing that sets us apart is the prices we charge for our services. We believe that our customers have the right to know the breakdown of cost, which is why our inspection team keeps you updated about the materials required and tools used during the paving process.

    Also, we don’t create a storm out of a teacup in a bid to get a few extra bucks. Our experts reveal the problem and don’t exaggerate matters; we also provide a customized plan according to the project’s urgency.

    2. Best Materials

    At Prime Asphalt, we believe in edging out competitors with our high-class service and quality materials. Professionals in our team are fully aware of the latest technology in the industry. We believe in combining our employees’ skills with the latest technology to provide you with the best paving experience.

    3. Wide-Ranging Services

    At Prime Asphalt, our services are not limited to asphalt pavement installation only. We provide our customers with various services, including pothole repair, tar and chip paving, and industrial paving; regardless of the work’s nature, you can expect our team to deliver the best.

    We also offer premier maintenance services as we repair and look after any damage to your pavement and driveway. Our road maintenance solutions are durable and cost-effective, ensuring to enhance the surface life to the maximum.

    This commitment to quality and dedication to be the best in town has earned us the trust and respect of Waco, TX residents. Our clients count on us for their pavement needs for both commercial and residential surfaces.

    While there are many other pavement contractors in the region, Prime Asphalt is reliable, affordable, professional, and exceptional. Click here to get in touch with our team and get an estimate for your pavement requirements today!

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